After all, where does a betrayal begin?

In recent years, infidelity has shifted from those whispered conversations of bedchamber to a topic of open and heated debate. Several studies around the world have been dedicated to trying to explain this seemingly more common human tendency than was previously thought.

Some studies have shown that betrayal is generally not a one-night thing, with 60% of cases lasting more than a month. It has also been shown that men cheat more than women and that the reasons for both being unfaithful are different. While men act on the physical side, women tend to credit their betrayals for emotional problems.

But how do you know when a betrayal begins? In fact, more deeply, what characterizes a betrayal? Having sex with another person outside of the relationship is, in fact, the best known description, but does this attitude alone define betrayal?

According to a survey conducted by CNN Portal in Spanish through Facebook, some interesting data was revealed about these questions. Users were challenged to identify the line that divides infidelity from playfulness without malice.

The results were very interesting from a behavioral point of view: most of the 2,000 respondents really believe that physical contact is not critical to characterizing betrayal.

The question was: is it considered treason when there is fantasy, some kind of flirting, beginning of contact through the internet, hug, kiss or from the moment of sexual intercourse? Attention readers, the emotional aspect of love relationships was what most told the interviewees.

All poll results

About 47% of users said betrayal begins when one partner sends a text message, an email or a virtual message (on a social network, for example) without the other's knowledge. This type of definition was the most cited by respondents.

Second, are sexual relations. Interestingly, only 20% of readers considered sex to be the characterizing factor of infidelity.

The kiss got 13% of the users opinion, while the hug got only 1% of the votes.

Already flirting, that seemingly unpretentious flirting, was pointed as the beginning of betrayal by 11% of the responses.

The fantasies involving other partners got 8% of the public votes.

Readers' Opinions

We asked some readers their opinion on the subject. According to Ana Paula, 31, “the presumption of fidelity not only applies to the sexual act itself, but also to other affective acts, truthful or trustworthy. Prior to the betrayal of action, such as flirting, hugging, kissing, there is betrayal by omission, which is precisely the lack of interest in the partner's life, needs and feelings, which is why betrayal can exist regardless of any contact. physicist?.

Rodrigo, 30, agrees: "If there is flirting, regardless of physical contact, there is betrayal." For Antonio, 27, betrayal occurs when there is stronger physical contact, such as a kiss. Chatting on the Internet and flirting in general cannot be considered acts of treason ?.

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