Am I happy being overweight?

Some women can live well with obesity and still report how well they feel with a fuller body, but a large portion of the overweight population does not have this same feeling, quite the opposite, feel terrible because they are only with a few pounds to more.

This process will depend on the way the person was raised, because even within the family we already hear some unpleasant references when the weight is a little out of the accepted ideal in our culture today.

If we grow up in a family where being thin is an extremely important factor and this is charged we tend to grow up with low self-esteem, accommodated by weight, or in a constant struggle for something that most of the time is not strong enough. to change.

Other people in the same form of creation can reverse the picture because they have more built-in tools that allow them to persist in their intended goals. Thus we can say that everything will depend on the way you see and the values ​​that are passed and charged, and of course, the biological factor of each. The factors are numerous, everything will depend on self-esteem, people with more initiative, persistent and organized end up having a greater ease of adhering to a food and physical reeducation.

Self-acceptance comes from a whole context, being able to value forms, respect the body and the biotype, is a way that allows us to live well with ourselves. Feeling beautiful, sensual within a fuller body, recognizing the feminine, and above all, knowing your potential as a woman.

Anxiety can hinder weight reduction in order to enhance weight gain because it causes a great feeling of anxiety and anxiety, which leads people to use food, especially sweets to try to soften these feelings. It can be in relation to an event or have another specific reason, which the person is aware of and does not hang up.

When we are babies and we feel some discomfort we cry, we have pain, the mother tends to feed, and the milk comes the right way, warm, providing a state of relaxation, comfort and extreme pleasure. This experience in some people is related to the adult's attempt to look for food in the same sense of tranquility as milk did.

Moreover, thinking all the time about controlling the urge to eat leads the person to be on the food, triggering more urge to eat, not hunger, because hunger is a physiological process and here we are talking only about desire, and when we talk about Desire always has some specific food that one ends up resorting to, and hunger one satisfies with any food.

When we are at war with obesity we focus on weight loss so that we do not disconnect from the other factors that also contribute to effective weight loss because the individual does not learn to accept its structural limitations such as body type, height, and so on. can't make up with himself.

Anger, sadness, dissatisfaction, bad sexuality, dysfunctional marriage, being bad at work, among other possible issues (as each has a problem) leads to even greater discomfort and who has an inappropriate eating behavior ends up gaining weight.

Often being obese can serve as a form of protection, sabotage, and it is better to stay with the known weight, than change, which takes work and requires commitment on the part of people.

The therapy will work on several important aspects in a patient's life, focusing on the main areas of life, as obesity is only a symptom of some disharmony in life, something that is not well, and a reevaluation of the general context in search of balance is important. .

Food should be only to nourish the body and not the soul. By rescuing important aspects of life and raising self-esteem, the patient can understand emotional relationships, developing strategies for eating properly, taking responsibility for their weight loss process, following the dietitian's diet and exercise.

Loving yourself is a process and only by reevaluating your story and learning to value yourself will you achieve well-being and harmony.

Boarding School for Overweight Kids (April 2024)

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