Botox can be used in therapeutic treatments.

Wrinkles and fine lines denounce the age of any woman, especially those who are over 30 years old. To reverse the situation, they appeal to the miraculous botulinum toxin, More known as botox, which prevents the muscles from contracting, in this case the face, and is therefore able to paralyze them. It is precisely because of this function that botox can also be used for therapeutic treatments of neurological and muscular diseases.

Speak botox to therapeutic treatment still strangeness, but the practice has been recommended for over 20 years to soften the spasticity, which is the increase in muscle tone? Tension state of the muscle that triggers contractions - characteristic of pathologies related to neurological disorders, one of the biggest obstacles to neurological rehabilitation.

• Botulinum toxin may alleviate symptoms or sequelae of diseases related to muscle stiffnesssuch as strabismus, stroke? Stroke, hemifacial spasms and even hyperhidrosis ?, says the neurologist at the Santa Cruz Hospital Neuromuscular Block Center, Cristiano Milani.

The big secret of therapeutic action is muscle relaxation. "Through the action of botox on muscles, it is possible to improve functional activities, reduce pain and reduce the risk of infections in patients in whom the paralysis of some muscles may be beneficial," says Dr. Milani. The patient can also be expected to have greater control of the affected muscles and a decrease in the incidence of involuntary contractions.

The application can be done every 4 or 6 months, while the botox effect lasts. However, it may only be used upon recommendation and medical advice. After a certain period of botox application, which will vary according to each organism, may be until the patient decreases the amount of medication taken orally or has the possibility to postpone surgical interventions.

Therapeutic treatment with botulinum toxin is also recommended for children. Even the younger the patient, the more effective the treatment can be. Children with any motor deficit, which may be caused by neonatal anoxia (lack of brain oxygenation after birth), head injuries or infections such as meningitis and encephalitis, may undergo the process.

Botox for Migraines at Mercy (May 2024)

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