Cleaning the house with vinegar?

Vinegar is a great seasoning for salads, meats, can be used to make a cake cuter and other cooking secrets.

But the utilities of vinegar don't stop there. At cleaning time, he can be a powerful ally. The liquid has antibacterial action, also serves as a powerful disinfectant and neutralizing odors.

Unlike cleaning products found on the market, vinegar is free of toxic substances and has a much lower cost. In fact, many common cleansers contain dangerous substances that are not always as effective as vinegar.

We have put together some tips on how to clean the house with vinegar, check it out.


Use a soft cloth to remove dust from the glass. Mix three tablespoons vinegar in a bucket with warm water. Moisten a soft cloth in the mixture and wring well before wiping the glass. Dry with another cloth and to finish, use crumpled newspaper.


To remove stains from the mirrors, mix a cup of vinegar in 3.5 liters of water apply to a sponge and pass directly. Then buff the glasses with a cloth or paper towel. Another tip is to dip a crumpled sheet of newspaper in vinegar and wipe it in the mirror, then wipe it off with another newspaper, and then wipe it with a clean, dry cloth.


Vinegar removes mold from grouting tiles. Just apply a good amount of pure white vinegar with an old toothbrush, let it sit for two hours and wash the surface with soap and water.

TV and computer screen

To clean TV and computer screens, put some vinegar on a soft paper towel or piece of toilet paper. Then just swipe the screen.


Make a solution using vinegar and warm water in equal parts and apply to stains on the walls. Rub using a soft cloth until the dirt disappears.


To remove the musty odor in the cabinets, remove the objects and clothes and leave a container with pure white vinegar in the furniture for one night. Then wipe the liquid with a cloth.


Finish off stains on carpets using warm vinegar water. In addition to cleaning, the mix makes the carpet color more vivid.

Cups and cups

To make glasses and glassware shine, wash well with mild soap or detergent and rinse thoroughly with water. Then soak in a bowl of hot water and two tablespoons of white vinegar.


That heavier dirt that insists on sticking to the stove can be removed by leaving a little vinegar on the fat 15 minutes before cleaning starts. It is brand new.

7 Ways to Clean with Vinegar! (Clean My Space) (April 2024)

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