Did you know that there are ages when we are more likely to cheat? Find out what they are

In general, when we enter into a relationship, our expectations are that feelings will be strengthened and that the couple will be increasingly united.

But life does happen, and in some cases we find that the enchanted prince was after another princess? or ourselves we were going out with another prince out there.

Even if this is not a very pleasant subject for most people, do love cheats exist and are part of life? and they are a source of great suffering, but they can also eventually unite a couple.

This shouldn't be new, but have you ever heard that there is an age when we are more likely to cheat? Well, apparently there is a certain time in life when men and women are more attentive to the charms of a third element.

The? Age of danger?

According to IllicitEncounters.com, a British website that specializes in promoting meetings between committed people, men and women are twice as likely to betray their partners at 39.

Also read: Where does a betrayal begin after all?

This, however, would not be the only "age of danger", as the tendency to betray would also grow as we approach the end of a decade of life, which includes the 29 and 49 years.

These data are in line with the findings of a 2014 study by the University of California, Los Angeles, by Adam L. Alter and Hal E. Hershfield. In this research, scientists evaluated the behavior of adults who were 29, 39, 49, and so on, including their propensity to have an extramarital affair.

For this, Alter and Hershfield used information from another committed dating site, AshleyMadison.com. When considering the participants of the male site, did the researchers find that 18% of subscribers were 9 or older (29, 39, 49 etc.)? in a normal distribution, the expected would be 10%.

Why does it happen?

In the same study, Alter and Hershfield found something that is not new to many people: when we approach the turn of a decade of life, from 29 to 30, for example, it is common to face an existential crisis.

During these times, we evaluate our achievements and frustrations and begin to ask ourselves more often if our lives really make sense. And that, as you can imagine, opens the way for a change in behavior, including an increased tendency to cheat on a partner.

Read also: How to overcome a betrayal: 8 steps to break free and move on

My partner will be 29, 39 or 49 years old! Should I despair?

No, please do not arrange an unnecessary DR. Before you despair, you need to know that studying IllicitEncounters.com may not be entirely free of bias.

After all, the research was funded by the company, the methods were not validated by experts not involved in the study, and the results were not reviewed by the scientific community.

But what about the University of California research, how does it look? Well, it is true that this is a highly regarded work in academia. However, we must remember that infidelity itself is a difficult subject to study? After all, the concept of loyalty varies from person to person. Also, nothing guarantees that the participant information on the AshleyMadinson.com site is completely true.

If you really want To worry, infidelity researchers suggest that you observe whether your partner has a tendency to assume risky behaviors or questionable moral values. And yet it is worth bearing in mind that human behavior is far from being an exact science.

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