Dietary Reeducation: Escape Regimes and Adopt a New Lifestyle

It's not difficult to find people around today who complain about the difficulty of losing weight and / or simply following a healthier diet. It is in this context, including, that many people end up adhering to? Diets of the moment? which promise miraculous results in a short time, but in the end usually provide a? rebound effect? and even more serious health problems such as eating disorders (obesity, anorexia, bulimia, compulsion).

Andreia Barros, Clinical Nutritionist Aesthetics Clinic Linnus Institute RJ, comments that the busy life and lack of time have been contributing factors to the person to acquire bad eating habits. • The need to eat outside the home, for example, contributes to poor diet. With that, people end up eating what they have available and in a hurry ?, he says.

"Also, nowadays there is an increased binge eating due to anxiety, stress, all of which leads to the consumption of empty calories (which they feed but do not nourish), hence the need to eat more and more," adds the nutritionist. .

It is no coincidence that much is currently being said about dietary education. There is a general awareness today that most people need to relearn how to eat.

And one must know: there is no magic formula. The person who wants to lose weight or simply follow a healthier diet needs to undergo a reeducation, that is, must exclude bad habits and adopt measures that will, from now on, be part of their daily lives.

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This, of course, is a process, it does not occur overnight. Therefore, always be wary of schemes that promise significant weight loss in less than a month, for example, or that are too radical and too demanding of you.

What does food reeducation mean anyway?

Ana Luiza Moreira, nutritionist graduated from São Camilo University Center, gastronomist graduated from Senac Águas de São Pedro and postgraduate in Functional Sports Nutrition from VP Consulting, with experience in clinical and sports nutrition, explains that food rehabilitation is the best way to lose weight in a healthy and balanced way. "This is possible through the adoption of new eating habits, with which one can eat everything without deprivation and great sacrifice, and also without depriving oneself of social life."

For this, explains the nutritionist, it is necessary to educate the desires, anxiety and compulsion to eat. "It is a permanent learning and with that, the individual can lose weight and remain thin, improving their self-esteem," he adds.

Dietary Reeducation x Regime

With a simple comparison you can see why dietary re-education is the way to correct weight loss and a healthier life.

In the scheme:

Also read: 10 foods that look healthy but aren't

  • There is always the implication that sooner or later it will end;
  • One expects quick results and, if not, tends to be frustrated;
  • Usually the diet is very severe and the person even feels the need to move away from some social programs;
  • After the diet period is over, one tends to go back to eating and doing everything he did before, as he has not gotten used to good eating habits;
  • One tends to regain lost weight, and usually gains a few extra pounds;
  • Far beyond the aesthetic issue, depending on the type of regime adopted, the person can greatly harm their health.

With food reeducation:

  • The person is invited to adopt a new lifestyle (ie, there is no deadline);
  • The diet plan, prepared by a nutritionist, is made especially for her, taking into account her routine, needs and tastes. Which is quite different from a severe and boring regime;
  • The person, not being deprived of the things he likes to eat and / or do the most, tends to motivate himself more and more;
  • The results are not always achieved quickly, but are definitive, as the person now has a new lifestyle;
  • Improvement is not only aesthetic, but overall health.

12 Steps to Successful Food Reeducation

But in practice, how to do a food reeducation? Nutritionists cite the main steps to get started:

  1. Seek out a good nutritionist who can guide the person according to their needs and biological individuality."What is good for one person may not be for another and so on," comments Ana Luiza.
  2. Always opt for the consumption of poorly processed foods.
  3. Choose foods that do not contain or contain less preservatives.
  4. Eliminate refined foods.
  5. Replace simple carbohydrates with fiber complexes.
  6. Replace fat protein with lean protein without fat.
  7. Exchange saturated fat for good quality fat.
  8. Increase the consumption of fruits and vegetables, giving preference to seasonal and regional products.
  9. Replace processed foods with organic foods.
  10. Increase fluid consumption by drinking at least 2 liters of water daily.
  11. Definitely change the consumption of soft drinks for natural juices and water.
  12. Start the practice of physical activity.

The main bad guys and good guys in healthy eating

Ana Luiza cites which are the worst foods consumed today, which should be avoided at any cost:

  • Ultra-processed foods (powdered juices, sausages, stuffed cookies, sodas, chips, nuggets, ready-made sauces), which undergo many modifications until they reach the table.
  • Sugar and fat, a combination that, for industry, is an asset and for consumers the real misfortune.
  • Bakery sweets, breads, pizza, cakes, pies are foods made from vegetable shortening that have a very high glycemic load, increasing the risk of obesity, diabetes, cardiovascular disease and binge eating.

In contrast, the nutritionist highlights the most recommended foods to have on the menu. ? They are the simplest possible, least processed and that spoil faster. The longer a food lasts, the less your health lasts! Does this rule always work ?, comments Ana Luiza.

  • Fruits;
  • Vegetables;
  • Vegetables;
  • Whole grains;
  • Meat of all kinds;
  • Beans and pulses;
  • Fats like olive oil, seeds, avocado, olive oil, nuts.

Healthy menu

Below you can see the example of a healthy menu prepared by nutritionist Andreia. Remember that this is just an example, as a diet plan must be made individually by a nutritionist. The idea is, above all, to show that a person can be educated by eating delicious foods without starvation.


  • Option One: 1 200ml glass of green juice (pineapple with kale + zest in zest) + 2 units of whole toast + 2 teaspoons of cottage cheese.
  • Option two: 200ml red fruit juice (frozen pulp) + 2 large units of rice cracker + 1 tablespoon cottage cheese + 1 small cup of coffee.
  • Option Three: 200 ml of green apple juice with kale and ginger zest + 1 slice of brown bread + 1 tablespoon cottage cheese + 1 small cup of coffee.


  • Option one: 200ml of green tea.
  • Option two: 200ml Matchá tea.
  • Option three: 200ml of hibiscus tea.


  • Option one: Salad of green leaves, tomato, cucumber + 3 tablespoons cooked vegetables + 1 medium chicken fillet (200g) + 3 tablespoons brown rice + 2 tablespoons beans.
  • Option two: 1 dessert plate of watercress salad, cherry tomatoes, raw carrots, cooked lentils + 1 medium cup of cooked broccoli + 1 medium fillet (150g) of lean beef steak + 1 medium cup of whole-grain pasta.
  • Option three: 1 dessert plate of arugula salad, tomato, palm heart + 1 large fillet (200g) of grilled salmon + 3 tablespoons of boiled potato and sautéed in extra virgin olive oil (sprinkle parsley).

Afternoon snack:

  • Option one: 2 units Brazil nuts + 3 units almonds + 5 units pumpkin seed + 2 units dried apricot + 1 small cup of nonfat yogurt.
  • Option two: Liquefy 200ml of skimmed milk + 2 Brazil nuts + 3 almonds + 5 pumpkin seeds + 1 small fruit.
  • Option Three: 1 medium bowl (about 5 tablespoons) of fruit salad. Sprinkle with 1 tablespoon flaked quinoa + 2 Brazil nuts + 5 pumpkin seeds.


  • Option one: 4 tablespoons hydrated tapioca stuffed with green leafy salad + tomato + shredded chicken + 165ml lemon juice.
  • Option two: 1 dessert plate of green leafy salad + tomato + cucumber + palm heart + 1 whole egg and 1 egg white stuffed spinach + 165ml hibiscus tea.
  • Option Three: 1 dessert plate of green leafy salad + grated raw carrots + cherry tomatoes + 1 medium roasted eggplant stuffed with ground beef + 165ml watermelon juice.


  • 1 cup average rosemary + lactobacilli tea (1 small bottle Yakult) + 1 small fruit.

Is it possible to change the taste? Experts comment

Many people claim to be "addicted" to sugar, for example, and claim they can't consume any kind of drink without sweetening.Others love to put in a little more salt? at all and say they don't like spiced food.

However, according to Andreia, it is possible, yes, that a person changes their taste. And that's exactly what we call dietary reeducation. It occurs in the long run. One needs to be aware that eating healthy is the best way to have health and disposition. Trading salt for herbs, for example, is a good tip, he says.

Ana Luiza points out that people are conditioned and? Addicted? in sugar and salt. To change this, she gives some tips:

  • Avoid common salt and give preference to sea salt or pink salt.
  • Put dried herbs near the salts and always prefer the natural taste of the food.
  • It is not necessary to eliminate salt from the diet, but to avoid overdoing it!
  • Sugar is addictive: The more you consume, the more you will feel like eating and the harder it will be to exclude you from the diet.
  • To exclude sugar, initially replace white sugar with demerara sugar, which is less processed (but still sugar).
  • Use stevia (sweetener) to sweeten juices and preparations.

Food education begins in childhood

To prevent re-education from being needed in the future, parents should help their children plan early on to eat consciously and healthily.

For this, some tips are important:

  • Set an example. Firstly, parents must have a proper diet, it is no use educating without setting an example. The child must grow up in an environment where the family cares about eating with quality ?, says Andreia.
  • "Always offer children healthy foods like fruits, whole foods, fruit juices, natural homemade sandwiches", highlights Andreia.
  • Always vary the foods offered to the child so that he does not get sick.
  • Always vary the preparation of some dishes so that she realizes that there are numerous healthy and tasty foods.
  • Whenever possible replace processed foods with home-made preparations.
  • Prepare colorful dishes, remembering that the more colorful the food, the more attractive it is for the child and the greater the assurance that all necessary nutrients are being offered.
  • Avoid having at home sweets, sodas, among other foods that offer no health benefit.

It is noteworthy that it is natural that, at some point, the child asks for some? (sweet, salty, chocolate) and this should not be a cause for despair for parents. For a healthy child who has no contraindications and eats well daily, such? Goodies? may be offered from time to time.

But you can also make good choices: For example, a home-made candy is much better than a ready-made purchase and a soda. Anyway, whatever the treat, the important thing is to make it a special occasion and not a daily food.

Finally, Ana Luiza comments that people are bombarded with a wealth of information, poor quality products and a great deal of variety. Ideally, nutrition should be a compulsory school subject from childhood, and parents well informed and oriented. You can't expect your child to eat healthy if the parents don't have good habits and set an example. If there is still doubt, remember how your grandparents fed, try to consume the same foods that you will be on the right track? Concludes the nutritionist.

The 700 Club - July 9, 2018 (May 2024)

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