Essential Fashion Tips for Short Women

Many short women find it difficult to choose a look because they think their height interferes with the look. But, according to image and style consultant Fernanda Maranho, “No matter what your physical type or whether you're skinny, at your ideal weight or just above it, there are a few tricks that help lengthen the silhouette and therefore make you look taller?.

Following are the tips and tricks from the consultant to assemble looks and lengthen your silhouette even if you are short. So you can explore different combinations that you dreaded to use before because you think that with shorty does not match. Follow the tips and forget the fear of making mistakes.

1 ? Size

This tip may seem obvious, but it is not. Some short, very thin women think that if they wear thicker clothes they will be able to hide their thinness and the chubby ones think that wearing loose clothes will hide the fat ones. In either case, this is not true. Loose clothes give the impression of slouch and very tight clothes can give the impression that extra pounds. The right size clothes make us look slimmer and taller.

2 ? Proportion

Respecting body proportion is critical to creating an elongated silhouette image. Remember that this should apply to all elements of clothing. Give preference to small prints, the bags should be at most medium in size and should not go beyond the hip bone and believe me, until the length of the hair influences the silhouette. Up to mid-back hair helps keep the silhouette long.

3? Monochrome look

Using matching colors on the top and bottom makes us look taller. When there is no color contrast in the clothes, we can fool the look and create a long vertical line, which lengthens and slows.

There are three ways to create a monochrome look: tone on tone of one color; one color and last, without varying the hue. In the latter, different but similar colors are used, for example: black and lead, nude and pearl, yellow and gold. Remember that accessories should also fit into this same color scheme.

4? Mini lengths

The more skin we show, the higher we look, so shorts, miniskirts and dresses are great for shorty. Of course, mini lengths are not always appropriate as there are issues such as age, workplace, formal dresscode and even temperature; in these cases there is another trick that also helps lengthen the silhouette, which is the high waist.

5? High waist

The high waist is a great trick as long as the lower body. When we create the illusion of having long legs, we also look taller. The high waist can be in pants, skirts and shorts. Empire waist dresses also give the same feel.

6? Skirts and dresses

The most important rule here is: No matter what, avoid lengths between the knee and ankle. These lengths are universal silhouette flatteners.

7? Shoes

Not only do heel shoes help to lengthen the silhouette, there are other tricks that also help us with this task. When worn with pants, it is best both shoes and pants are the same color, or if you choose a look with skirt or dress, nude shoes are great allies. Shoes with low upper (upper is the cleavage of the shoe) also help to lengthen the legs. It's simple, the more skin is showing, the taller we look.

Looks that lengthen the silhouette

Following is a selection of blogger looks that bring some of the techniques mentioned above to give your body a longer look that allows you to disguise the height a bit.

Composing a tone on tone look like blogger Mariah Bernardes in lilac and purple is one of the tricks to make your figure longer. The long necklace and loose hair at the front also help.

Looks with a print and one color, as in Mariah overalls, help to make the silhouette thinner and elongated, because they create the false impression of height. If used with jump, the effect is maximized.

Another way to lengthen the silhouette is to bet on monochromatic looks, that is, using the same tone on the top and bottom, as on the looks below Deborah of the blog Onça de Tule.

Looks with high waist, as already mentioned, are also darlings of short and give the impression of a longer silhouette. Below you can see the looks of bloggers Marina Casemiro and Camila Coelho, with belts and belts.

All the tips above aim to value the body of the short woman, so she can use looks that project and highlight her among the crowd despite being small.

However, it is noteworthy that most importantly you feel good about what you are wearing and that regardless of your height, you should never feel? Smaller? that nobody. Love yourself, love your height and abuse the looks that value you.

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