How to deal with the baby who is starting to talk

Crying is the baby's first form of contact with the mother and the rest of the world. It may seem all the same at first, but over time, the mother learns to differentiate between crying, hunger and pain.

As they grow older, communication evolves and babies learn to make sounds and noises, which later become syllables, until around the sixth month, they begin to mumble a few words, which still do not make sense. that should only happen after the first year of life.

Between 18 and 24 months, children speak short sentences with a maximum of 3 words and it is up to the parents to decipher what they mean, to increase the interaction of the little ones with the other family members and collaborate with the development of speech. of child.

After this period of 2 years, up to 2 ½ years, if the child does not speak, it is advisable to consult a pediatrician, to check if there is any delay in the child's verbal development and especially to check for any hearing or psychological problem. .

Surely you no longer remember how difficult it is to speak the first words, but this is a process that requires a great mental and physical effort on the part of the little ones who need to articulate the sounds with the tongue, the lips and the whole phoner apparatus, besides to force his little head to choose in his little repertoire words that fit into the context of what he means. This constant improvement is essential to assess the intellectual, psychic and social development of the child.

And when your baby starts babbling your little words, besides the excitement of the moment, there are some attitudes that can help to improve this process, so we have selected some tips for you.

  • 1 ? Talking to the child in moments of intimacy, such as breastfeeding, feeding, bathing and changing diapers, playing with objects and repeating their names, is a way to encourage the child to assimilate the names of things. .
  • 2 ? When talking to your child, speak slowly and slowly so that the child can be more attentive to follow up and understand what you are saying.
  • 3? Of course people tend to adapt the conversation with babies, changing the names of things, putting the words in the diminutive, or creating a new language for talking to babies. Graceful as it is, the ideal is for the child to learn early on the correct name of things so that they can communicate more clearly. So instead of offering gagau, offer him porridge.
  • 4? When your child is learning to speak, it is natural to take a while to develop reasoning and formulate each word, but be patient, do not anticipate what he will say, even if you know what he wants to ask and let it finish each word.
  • 5? Speaking wrong at first is natural, so don't require the baby to say everything accurately by correcting him with each word. Learning is as slow as it is natural and excessive corrections can cause intimidation in the child.
  • 6? The child learns by repetition, so the more he is part of the family social life, the faster he tends to learn to speak, but beware of the words used, as they tend to repeat everything, including what adults should not say nearby. from them. Similarly, encourage early on from the example, the use of words as please, thank you and excuse me.
  • Gradually you will realize that this development will extend into many years of your life and will even have times when you will longingly remember the time when they spoke little. Jokes aside, this phase in which children are learning to speak is one of the most delicious, enjoy it with great affection.

    Baby Talk: Stimulating Speech and Development (April 2024)

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