How to end dandruff

Dandruff is the popular name for seborrheic dermatitis, a problem that undoubtedly bothers a large part of the adult population (usually between 20 and 50 years old), but still generates many doubts among people.

Is dandruff a male-only problem or can it also bother women? Is it contagious? How to treat it? Below you can find the answer to these and other important questions on the subject. Worth knowing!

What is dandruff?

Dandruff can be defined as a scaling process of the scalp skin. Ligia Kogos, a dermatologist who is a member of the Brazilian Society of Dermatology, the Brazilian Society of Aesthetic Medicine and director of the Ligia Kogos Dermatology Clinic, explains that dandruff is a result of overworking the sebaceous glands in the scalp.

? It is a very common problem especially in winter as it is nothing more than a protection of our body to? Endure the cold ?? The glands produce a secretion that, in turn, burns the skin, peeling it and forming that dead skin cone ?, says the expert.

Ligia also adds that peeling often comes with redness and itching (more or less intense, depending on the case), which often causes great discomfort to people who suffer from the problem.

Thus, it is noteworthy that seborrheic dermatitis is an excessive scaling of the scalp caused by genetic predisposition, but to manifest itself depends on the existence of other factors such as: climate, stress, hormonal imbalance or carbohydrate-rich diet and / or fats.

Does dandruff affect both women and men?

The answer is yes. However, it is noteworthy that the problem is more recurrent in men.

Does Ligia Kogos explain that men are more prone to dandruff because they have more sebaceous glands? responsible for oiliness? and increased production of hormones, such as testosterone, which directly affect the increase in scalp sebum.

But women are not free from the problem either. "In cases of stress, for example, ACTH (adrenocorticotropic hormone of the adrenal cortex) is produced in excess, increasing the activity of the sebaceous glands, which are over stimulated, which may result in dandruff," he explains.

Ligia Kogos also points out that women who have a little more male hormone are more likely to have dandruff. "The problem is more common also in girls who already have oily skin and already suffer, for example, with acne," he says.

The dermatologist adds that women who suffer from polycystic ovary syndrome are also more likely to have dandruff.

"But generally, in men, the cases of dandruff are usually more exuberant, more intense, tend to bother more," says the dermatologist.

7 questions about dandruff answered by dermatologist

Below are some common questions about the subject, which still generate a lot of confusion in the minds of people trying to investigate a little more especially about the causes of dandruff:

1. Does conditioner use cause dandruff?

Ligia Kogos points out that many people believe it is the use of conditioner that causes dandruff, but not quite. Perhaps this will occur if the person already has a tendency to have dandruff and misuse the product (putting too much conditioner on the scalp and not going through it completely, for example). But it is noteworthy that dandruff usually does not happen "because of the person", but more because of internal factors, "he explains.

2. Does washing hair with hot water cause dandruff?

Ligia points out that the answer is? No? and that this is another myth. How does dandruff result from excess sebum production by the scalp glands? secretion is rich in fatty acids that cause irritation, peeling, itching and inflammation? the external hot water does not trigger the picture. On the contrary, it may even momentarily relieve, by its anti-inflammatory effect, the exuberant picture of itching and peeling. Is it just a myth that this belief that hot water could cause dandruff?

3. Can washing your hair daily make the dandruff frame worse?

Can taking daily hair really cause dandruff? In this sense, how many times a week is it recommended to wash your hair? Ligia Kogos explains that each person has their individual washing needs, according to their hair type (oily, normal or dry) and their lifestyle. "There are many who need to wash every day, either because they have greasy hair or exercise, swimming or simply because they feel better (like most men)," he says.The act of rubbing the scalp heavily every day, but even according to dermatologist Ligia, may end up stimulating the glands to work harder, aggravating oiliness and dandruff. "But washing usually does not interfere significantly," he says. "This way, each person can perfectly wash their hair as often as they feel best," concludes the dermatologist.

4. Is dandruff contagious?

No, not even if you use a dandruff brush or comb. Dandruff is nothing more than the result of a scalp peeling caused by genetic predisposition, but which, to manifest itself, depends on the existence of other factors (climate, stress, hormonal imbalance or carbohydrate and / or fat rich diet). .

5. Can inadequate nutrition stimulate dandruff or worsen the condition?

Yes. Ligia Kogos points out that a diet rich in fats, sugars, fried foods and / or refined carbohydrates (such as rice, pasta and white breads) can stimulate or aggravate a picture of dandruff.

? It is also crucial to avoid the consumption of alcoholic beverages? that greatly worsen the condition in a person who is already predisposed to have dandruff ?, highlights the dermatologist.

6. Can dandruff make hair fall out?

Does Ligia Kogos explain that dandruff can cause a larger fall of the wires? since it causes inflammatory process in the hair follicles. Even so, there is a greater concern on the part of women with the problem.

However, it is noteworthy that dandruff is not responsible for baldness? which is also associated with genetic predisposition. However, constant inflammation of the scalp, such as that caused by dandruff, can aggravate the baldness problem.

7. Does dandruff have a cure?

Seborrheic dermatitis is believed to accompany the person throughout his or her life with periods of improvement and worsening. However, currently there are good treatment options and with an appropriate one? indicated by a dermatologist? It is possible to greatly reduce symptoms such as peeling and itching.

When to seek medical help to treat dandruff?

Ligia Kogos explains that when you notice the first signs of dandruff, you should first try to use an anti-dandruff shampoo (which is usually sulfur, salicylic acid, zinc or sodium sulfacetamide). They are easily found for sale in the market and are usually efficient. So one should be a little more patient and carefully read the product label looking for one of these items ?, he says.

According to the doctor, it is important that the person also stops to observe their diet. Is too much carbohydrate consumed? Fat? Chocolate? Frying? Alcoholic beverage? So it is worth trying to improve the diet also to see if the problem decreases ?, explains, remembering that a diet high in fat and carbohydrates can worsen the picture.

But, is it still professional, even if taking such care? following a good diet using antiparas shampoos? If the problem persists, the ideal is for a dermatologist doctor who will indicate the best form of treatment.

What products to use to prevent and treat dandruff?

Check out some anti-dandruff shampoos that are easily found for sale:

Kerastase Anti-Dandruff Shampoo for R $ 129,90 at Women's Beauty

Loréal Professional Anti-Dandruff Shampoo for R $ 68,22 at Vaidosa Cosmetics

La Roche Posay Anti-Dandruff Gel Shampoo for R $ 44,25 at Quallita

Clear Anticaspa Shampoo for R $ 15,99 at Lojas Rede

Dandruff Treatments

Below, Ligia Kogos cites some alternatives used to treat dandruff:

1. Anti-dandruff shampoo

The use of shampoos to combat overworking the sebaceous glands is, according to Ligia, the first step to be taken. ? Are they usually products based on sulfur, salicylic acid, zinc, sodium sulfacetamide? who try to regulate the activity of the glands and remove this excess cells? he says.

2. Lotions

According to the dermatologist, it may be necessary to use corticoid-based lotions (sometimes with other ingredients, such as zinc perithionate, etc.), which have anti-inflammatory effect, when only shampoo has no results.

3. Sunbathing

The sun is also an ally in fighting dandruff. Ligia Kogos explains that sunbathing (with adequate protection on the rest of the skin) is recommended as it has important anti-inflammatory action and helps to slow down the activities of the sebaceous glands.

4. Antifungals

Ligia points out that sometimes antifungals are recommended in the treatment of dandruff, such as ketoconazole. Is this because the conditions on the scalp that give rise to dandruff are conducive to fungal accumulation? that is, do they find conditions there to proliferate ?, he says.

5. Photobiomodulation

This is another treatment alternative and, according to Ligia Kogos, consists of the application of anti-inflammatory laser with Iodine based, which will help regulate the activities of the sebaceous glands, improving the condition of dandruff.

6. Internal Treatment

Ligia Kogos explains that in more "severe" cases, corticosteroid injections may be required.

7. Isotretinoin

Ligia explains that in cases of chronic dandruff, it may be necessary to use oral Isotretinoin (Roacutuan), which definitively regulates the sebaceous gland.

It is noteworthy that the best way to treat seborrheic dermatitis can only be indicated by a dermatologist, taking into account the particularities of each case.

How to prevent dandruff?

As already noted, dandruff is nothing more than the result of scalp scaling caused by genetic predisposition. However, as this peeling is manifested by the influence of other factors (weather, stress, irregular eating), can some measures be taken? by people who are prone to this problem? feeling to avoid worsening the picture.

  • Follow a good diet, especially avoiding excess fatty foods, fried foods, sugars and refined carbohydrates.
  • Avoid excessive consumption of alcohol.
  • Exercise can also help fight dandruff.
  • Avoid sedentary lifestyle and also do not trade night for day.

You now know exactly what dandruff is and know good alternatives to treat this problem. Remember, however, that only a dermatologist can indicate what is the best type of treatment for each case.

Quick and Easy Home Remedies For Dandruff (April 2024)

  • Hair
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