How to store outdoor wood furniture

Elegant and very comfortable environment. This is how those who have wooden objects and furniture describe their home. Perfectly finished, the pieces guarantee style and provide a certain warmth for those who visit the environment.

But care must be taken with furniture outside the house. Being exposed to the sun, rain and even wood-eating insects can damage them and in extreme cases you risk losing the entire piece.

Care you have to take

Protect your furniture with plastic covers or other materials that are easily found in stores and supermarkets. “I have a wooden table that sits on the porch of my house. To protect from rain, we cover it with a well-reinforced plastic that is waterproof ?, comments the housewife, Sueli Aparecida.

Clean the furniture at least every 15 days. There are specific wood cleaning products. In addition to providing extra shine, they conserve and protect furniture for longer. With a flannel or very soft cloth, carefully wipe the product over and under each chair and table. They protect and still leave a clean, tasty smell all over the house ?, says the housewife.

Do not let the furniture get wet. Like windows and doors, wooden furniture can dry out, impairing its longevity. Under no circumstances should the furniture get wet. If you splash water, it is important to pass a dry cloth so that the wood does not dry out or get ugly? Warns Sueli.

Apply the wood oil carefully at least once a month, after all, it moisturizes and protects the material. ? These wood oils are not so expensive and can be found in supermarkets or specialty stores ?, indicates the housewife.

Stay tuned to the furniture. As with windows and doors, make an annual assessment of whether the nails are securely fastened. ? One must know how to conserve whenever possible. See if the wood is well intact, if the nails are not rusty, or if the wood is barbed, Sueli says.

Follow the manufacturer's instructions to make your piece look and keep longer. • The furniture should come with care instructions. If the person strictly follows the tips that are suggested, the furniture will be beautiful for much longer and in good condition ?, recommends the housewife.

Avoid disposing of your furniture in grams, as they may contain insects that will easily damage your furniture. The ideal is to have the furniture in environments without earth or clay and that has a very clean floor. In farm houses or houses, the attention must be redoubled so that no insects harm the material ?, concludes the housewife.

How to Revive Outdoor Wooden Furniture (May 2024)

  • Cleaning
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