Is having faith important to you?

Believing in something superior to human matter is what sets us apart from other animals, whether it be an energy, a God, a spirit, or an ethereal being. Regardless of any religious label, faith in a better future is critical so that people do not feel so overwhelmed by the routine and hardships they face every day.

The success of books like? The Secret ?, which discusses the importance of positive thinking for those who want to draw good things into their lives, corroborates the idea that facing life and everyday problems with optimism makes the biggest difference in coping. with serious situations and more serious problems. This consequence is not related to the religion chosen by a particular person, but rather to the way in which that person positions himself in the face of challenges, whether emotional, physical or spiritual.

The placebo effect

Some research has already proven the beneficial effects of faith on human health. It is through faith, for example, that medicines known as "placebos" work: one must believe that the patient is being healed for the cure to actually take place. In this case, the faith in the treatment given is sometimes so strong that it is enough for the success of the "medicine", dispensing the use of drugs that really act to combat the problem.

A study by biologist Peter Trimmer of the University of Bristol in Great Britain indicates that the success of placebo depends largely on the context in which we are inserted during treatment. "Today, when doctors offer a medicine, they are not only concerned with curing the disease, but with the environment in which the person is inserted," explains the researcher.

Thus, the personal belief that the treatment will be effective is critical to what it really is. And of course, this principle does not apply only to health treatments.

According to another survey, this time conducted by Harvard University School of Health in the United States, factors such as obesity, smoking and physical inactivity are as responsible for heart problems and strokes as are optimism, happiness and satisfaction.

Believing makes a difference

The bookshelves of the big bookstores are full of self-help books, signed by renowned authors or not so much, who say they can improve the lives of those who are willing to look at them. But the power of good-oriented thinking needs to be discovered within each one. When any difficulty arises, staying calm and focusing on the solution rather than the problem can be the difference between suffering and learning.

Of course, there are some situations so complicated that it is difficult not to collapse, but you must keep in mind that no problem, however large, is eternal. This thinking, coupled with the willpower to overcome suffering, is what gives the strength to move on, even if the future looks uncertain.

Don't faith, optimism, and hope depend on the church you attend, but on you alone? and can help you in much more than just getting forgiveness for your "sins".

The Importance of Faith (March 2024)

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