Learn The Vinegar Trick To Last Enamel

Every woman has been through this: you do your nails in a wonderful color, you can wait for the nail polish to dry without smudging, and yet less than 24 hours later your nail polish is all peeled off.

Activities such as washing dishes, handling cleaning products, going to the gym, and even typing often spoil the nail polish, leaving the nails peeling and looking unpleasant.

But there is a home trick you can use to increase the duration of your nail polish: just use vinegar.

Very popular in the kitchen, vinegar has the advantages of removing all residue from the previous enamel, making the new enamel last longer, strengthening nails, promoting growth and preventing yeast infections.

Learn how to use vinegar to last longer

1. Dampen a small piece of cotton in vinegar;

2. Wipe the nail before starting to enamel and wait for it to dry;

3. Pass a base coat and follow the glaze normally.

Tip: You can use any type of vinegar, but distilled white vinegar has better results.

Other Benefits Of Vinegar

Derived from the fermentation of wine and cider through the action of bacteria, vinegar has long been known for its usefulness in cooking, health and home cleaning. Now that you know the benefits of vinegar for nails, discover other possibilities for using this powerful ingredient:

1. Relieve itching caused by insect bites: Just moisten a cotton swab with white vinegar diluted with water and rub at the bite site.

2. Shine hair: Apple cider vinegar brightens hair and regulates scalp pH, preventing irritation and decreasing dandruff formation. To get these benefits, apply three spoons to damp hair after shampooing and wait 15 minutes. Rinse well and iron conditioner normally.

3. Improve digestion: One tablespoon taken just after meals stimulates the release of gastric juice, facilitating digestion. Warning: People with stomach problems such as heartburn or gastritis should avoid ingesting vinegar as the acid can further aggravate these conditions.

4. Control the blood pressure: One of the advantages of using vinegar as seasoning is that you can decrease the amount of salt, because foods will already have a special flavor. This way you ingest less sodium and avoid high blood pressure spikes.

5. Clean the bathroom: Use a solution of half water and half white vinegar to disinfect bathroom surfaces and floors. To remove mold stains on walls, boxes, windows and curtains, use a vinegar-soaked sponge.

Best of all, vinegar is a much cheaper ingredient than many of its products. Do you know any other tips on how to use vinegar on a daily basis? Share with us!

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