5 Things Men Appreciate in Women Beyond Appearance

Healthcare, keeping fit, wearing the latest fashion trends, knowing makeup tricks and recipes to improve the appearance of the face, body and hair are all important for a woman, but may not be enough when win a love. This is because men are not only looking for a physically perfect woman, but also a mate, a friend, a partner for the day to day. After all, what else do they take into account when it comes to taking on a relationship other than looks?

1 ? A good listener

Women usually speak much more than men. It is natural, we are more prolix about the most diverse subjects. But knowing how to listen is critical if you intend to maintain a healthy relationship. Often all your partner needs is for you to hear what he has to say, whether to vent about a problem at work, a complaint about some attitude of his that bothers him, a nice chat about a fact he has experienced during the week. . Learn to hear and find that not only skin? if you make a relationship.

2 ? Spontaneity

Just as we don't want a guy who changes just because of us, so men are looking for a woman who expresses herself without being shy. With respect, always, it does not hurt to give your opinion about the restaurant you are going to eat or what bothers you in it, for example. Don't just be a copy of the other women you know, have the personality to choose the clothes you wear, the songs you listen to, and the places you go to. They take this kind of behavior very much into account.

3? Self esteem

You need not be perfect. It may be that your body is not what you would like, that you do not have the best job in the world or that you do not like your hair, your nose, your voice. Does not matter. The important thing is that you know each of your qualities very well and give yourself great value. Don't skimp on self-esteem: Liking yourself is the first step for other people to enjoy as well.

4? Fun

Pretty girls may have a preference at first, but they can never be interesting enough throughout a relationship if they aren't fun too. Make the routine go away from you, suggest different programs, know how to talk about different subjects and, above all, don't be a boring companion, who only complains and teases with your love. Just as women like guys who make them laugh, so men like a fun partner.

5? Partnership and strength

It is not enough to be a girlfriend or wife, you have to be by his side at all times, support and help wherever possible. This is because, although we are considered the "fragile sex", it is not man's obligation to always be the safe haven of the relationship. Sometimes when they have problems, it is good to have a true mate. Try to support this kind of love, it shows maturity and is a good basis for a relationship.

12 Things Men Pay Attention To But You Don’t (April 2024)

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