Old Cinnamon: Youtuber Doctor Talks About the Benefits of this Herb

The old shin (Miconia albicans) is a very common medicinal plant in northeastern Brazil and is also known as the white-flowered lentil. Its benefits have been studied for some time and for some people it is considered a true miracle for the fight against arthritis, arthritis, back and joint pain.

5 Benefits of Cinnamon

Already known for its anti-inflammatory and analgesic actions, cinnamon leaf tea is used as an alternative natural therapy against pain of various origins. Youtuber doctor Dr. Dayan Siebra talks on his channel about the benefits of this miracle herb.

1. Improves arthrosis and osteoarthritis pain

Arthrosis is simply simpler aging of the joints. Already osteoarthritis is the inflammation of these joints. These diseases promote joint wear and tear, causing bones to friction. The old shin acts by regenerating these cartilage lining the bones, reducing the impact and thus easing the pain. The plant also has antinociceptive action, ie reduces the perception and transmission of stimuli that cause pain.

2. Fight free radicals

Free radicals are all components that need to be discarded from our body, such as those resulting from stress and poor diet. Old cinnamon acts as a detox in the blood and also in other organs. Because of this action, many people even report an increase in libido.

3. Helps control diabetes

Old cinnamon is also very beneficial for diabetics or people who have a tendency to develop the disease. Remember that any carbohydrate-containing foods can increase your blood sugar, these foods do not necessarily have to be sweet. The herb helps control blood glucose levels, thereby fighting heart and kidney disease.

Also read: 10 Amazing Benefits of Rosemary Tea

4. Helps digestion

The plant has numerous nutrients that act for the proper functioning of the stomach, improving heartburn, poor digestion, reflux and stomach aches. Old cinnamon also has anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial action.

5. Slows tumor growth

Contrary to what many sources say, there is still no evidence that the old cinnamon may be related to cancer cure, but there have been reports that the growth rate of some tumors has slowed considerably when the patient ingested cinnamon. old for some time. Some populations that regularly consume old cinnamon have a low rate of cancer.

Old cinnamon has many other beneficial actions to the body, such as helping to treat fat in the liver, as it has detox action. The plant also acts against the parasite. Trypanosoma cruzi, cause of Chagas disease. That is, it is an ally of good health!

Cinnamon tea: how to prepare

For the old cinnamon to have the expected effect, only the leaves of this plant should be used, since no effects from its other parts were observed.


  • ½ liter of water
  • 7 leaves of cinnamon

Method of preparation

  1. Boil the water;
  2. Add the leaves and boil for another 30 seconds;
  3. Turn off the stove, cover and brew tea for 1 hour;
  4. Drink hot or cold twice a day, one cup before lunch and one before dinner.

It is not recommended to make a larger amount of tea to drink for more days, it must be prepared daily to be consumed fresh. This way your nutrients will be preserved.

Read also: Learn how teas can lower Alzheimer's risk by up to 86%

Despite all its benefits, it is not recommended that the patient abandon other treatments prescribed by a doctor. Cinnamon tea is a complementary alternative treatment and should not be used as the main treatment for the conditions already mentioned above.

Old cinnamon can also be used to bathe in areas affected by pain. The effects for both tea and bath begin to be noticeable 30 to 90 days after the start of treatment.

Health Benefits of Cinnamon | Dr. Josh Axe (April 2024)

  • Prevention and Treatment
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