Studies prove ginger is better than pain medicine

A new study by Arthritis magazine points out that the use of pain-fighting drugs, especially in the case of arthritis, osteoporosis and rheumatisms, can cause a number of problems due to the chemistry of the compounds. In contrast, the researchers found that ginger is as powerful an anti-inflammatory drug as it is and has no side effects.

Ginger intake daily decreases pain (chronic or otherwise) due to the antioxidants that gradually eliminate inflammation. In addition, it also helps combat acidity in the joint liquid and its effects are valid with both raw and cooked or grated.

The effects may vary for each patient and one should always remember to consult a specialist before modifying any medications. The process of pain relief by ginger is gradual. The researchers now intend to analyze the benefits of ginger in the musculature.

Ginger Helps Against Diabetes, Dandruff and Pain: 6 Reasons To Eat More Ginger (April 2024)

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