Tips for organizing files on your computer

With the lack of time in everyday life, the concern with the organization is left aside. Especially when talking about the organization of files on the computer. When saving some file, we do not bother to put the proper title, in the proper folder is not it? It may seem complicated, but in practice it is much easier to locate files when folders are organized according to your needs.

Some basic and necessary items can make your life and your computer much more organized. Folders are one of the best options. It is best to leave either in the documents, or on the desktop a folder with your name and then subdivide it. Organization can be done in four different ways.


Each person fits their profession when organizing file folders. It is best to always keep them separated by themes and do not forget to save them with keywords.

For example: If your work is fashionable, it is nice to create a folder named fashion and subfolders to split the themes. Documents / fashion / party / sequin dresses.


Images can also be separated by themes. However, if the computer used for work is also the same for personal use, it is best to separate into two parts. For example: Workbook, fashion theme and subfolder for party dress. Images / work / fashion / party / sequin dresses. If it is for personal use, use a folder named "Personal", for example, and create folders by events, or dates. The name goes of your choice and the way you find it easier to find. And when saving web images, always remember to put a keyword and preferably already save in the proper folder.


There are several ways to organize music on your computer. Most suitable and easiest to find is through artists, so if there are multiple albums you put each one inside each artist folder. If it's just random songs the same can be done. This system makes it easy to listen, if you only want to listen to songs by a specific artist just select the folder.


Within the part of the videos we include private, work videos, movies, video clips and others. It is worth separating the folders according to what you use most. If you work hard with video production, you can split it as you say in the images with keywords. If the videos are personal files only, the division can be done by movies, series, private and others.

If your computer does not support having all files stored, a tip is to use an external hard drive. It serves as a computer hard drive, but is mobile and does not occupy your computer's memory. Flash drives, CDs and DVDs can also be a great option.


Another point that deserves attention is the desktop, or desktop, where icons are stored. Try not to cluster files in this space, it serves as a shortcut to open faster the programs you use and not as a folder for storing files. If desired, group the icons according to frequency or type of use (work, play, etc.).

And always remember to save web files straight to specific folders. It makes it a lot easier when searching.

The Best Way to Manage Files and Folders (ABC Method) (April 2024)

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