10 advice for overcoming loneliness

The life we ​​lead today often turns us away from friends and family and with that loneliness has become a reality for many people.

And loneliness is not about being with no one around, alone. Loneliness can come with you when you are at work or in a crowd. It doesn't just depend on your being in your own company, it is characterized by moral isolation, that you know that no one is "there for you."

This feeling can be very harmful. A recent study showed that people who feel lonely tend to suffer from more illnesses than those who feel loved and welcomed by family and friends.

But how to get rid of such a terrible feeling? Life coach Brock Hansen has listed Your Tango on the 10 points he considers essential for those who want to stop feeling lonely, check out below.

1 ? Loneliness is a feeling, not an unchanging fact. When you feel lonely, it is normal to seek justification for this, such as thinking of the following: "Am I so uninteresting or boring?" or still? Why nobody likes me ?? and in the midst of these thoughts, these assumptions may be confused with reality when this is not always the case. So when you feel lonely, accept the feeling and live it, don't try to justify it. Just feel and try to think of good things to make this moment pass.

2 ? Do not isolate yourself. While this is often the only desire at these times, isolation just makes the situation worse and can also lead you to negative thoughts about yourself. Instead, approach people with whom you have more freedom and intimacy, be it your mother, a friend or your brother, for example. Do not be alone.

3? Notice the negative thoughts and push them away. When you notice that you are thinking badly about yourself because of the feeling of sadness linked to the feeling of loneliness, reverse the process by remembering good things about yourself. No one has just flaws or qualities, so what you need right now is to remember what you have best and value it.

4? Create anti-loneliness habits. Invite your friends out, visit your family, go to the movies with a friend, travel with loved ones. These habits will keep feelings of loneliness further and will also keep you from negative thoughts.

5? Also worry about each other. Getting busy thinking and helping others can make you feel more welcome. By reaching out to each other, we are helping ourselves. So talk to a friend who is in need of help, join an NGO, or join a project to help others.

6? Try to meet people with similar interests. Knowing who likes the same things that you are positive about is a greater chance that you will meet not only casually but also in a planned way. Exciting conversations about a shared passion will make you feel good about yourself. Plus, you'll be meeting new people and exercising something you enjoy.

7? Practice a group activity. Although it is difficult at first, once you get started, if the activity is really in your best interest, you will find that it is not so painful to be surrounded by other people while doing an activity. Yoga, water aerobics, reading club and jogging club are some activities you can start that will do well for your social life and overall well-being.

8? Do not demand too much of yourself. With each attempt at social gathering, you are doing an experiment. Some will be good, some bad and some reasonable. What matters is trying. And don't give up even when it seems that everything is going wrong, because at some point it will work out and you will feel good.

9? If you have a religion, dedicate yourself to it. Many religions preach kindness, respect and love to others. Practice these? Rules? It can bring you peace of mind and a warm feeling that will make you feel so good that loneliness will say goodbye. And even if you don't follow a religion, try to follow these rules of goodness, which should be universal rules of collective welfare.

10? Be curious and interested. Show interest and value what other people have to offer. By doing so, of course they will also be more interested in you. When in a circle of friends, avoid egocentric chats, talk about topics that matter most, and involve everyone in the group in conversation. This will attract more people to your life, people who are interested in you and will welcome you.

Alone in the crowd - How loneliness affects the mind and body (April 2024)

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