10 shoes women like best

Shoe is one of the fashion items that women love most. So we did a search on our thermometer for women's favorite shoes and presented the results below.

The poll was held for 1 month and about 100,000 readers voted and chose their favorite shoe models.

We have selected here the ten shoe models that women like best. Check out what they are and see some tips for matching each with the outfit and the occasion.

1 ? Sneaker

As one of the most versatile, comfortable and easy-to-match shoe types, the shoe has fallen into feminine taste and is a sure bet in every woman's wardrobe. They can be used for work, shopping, and even going to the club or dinner.

2 ? Pump

The pump is a high-heeled shoe that can come in half leg, peep toe versions, among others. It differs from scarpin by being more structured, offering greater comfort and having a more rounded or slightly square nozzle. Ideal for situations like ballads, parties and gala events, the pump in discrete versions can be used even for work.

3? Scarpin

Scarpin is a traditional darling of women. Easy to match and very useful for various occasions. It can be used at work, for church, as well as for parties and events that require more production. Because it is easily adaptable to looks, it is a piece that every woman should have. However, the model can get a little tight for those with the fullest feet.

4? Half paw heels

This type of shoe is also among the favorites for being chic, beautiful, and best of all: comfortable. Since the front of the shoe has a mini platform, the foot is less uncomfortably positioned, making it easy to use for extended work days or a lot of dancing at a party. This is another model every woman needs to have.

5? Open boot

The boot-style open-boot sandal is ideal for putting together beautiful looks without much effort. In addition to being more comfortable because it leaves your foot all firmly inside it, it is a fashion option for the summer. It differs from ankle boot by the hollows, straps and colors that are best suited for warm seasons.

6? Ankle boot

The ankle boot is ideal for winter use. Can be combined with pantyhose and skirt or shorts. It can compose looks with long skirt too. It's a great choice for you who like to keep your feet warm on cold days but don't like long boots.

7? Flats

This is one of the pieces that every Brazilian needs to have. It's great for summer days, going to the beach, shopping, sightseeing, and going to more informal events. Clean and comfortable they are the right choice for very hot days when wearing a sneaker or closed shoe is almost impossible.

8? Wedge jump

This type of heel is another favorite of women because its shape makes walking easier. However it should be used with caution as a misstep can mean twisting the foot.

9? Riding boot

The riding boot is the favorite boot of Brazilians. Ideal for winter, the model is also easy to match with leggings and skinny jeans. The riding boot has been popular for being comfortable and warm.

10? Platform heel

The platform style jump is another favorite of Brazilian women. In general, it comes in perfect summer sandals with bright colors, stripe shapes and hollows. Like wedge heels, it provides comfort, but walking should be careful to avoid foot injury.

The least popular footwear models in the research were the loafers, the espadrilles, the heeled loafers, the slipper, the oxford shoe and the female boots. However, this is a matter of taste. If you like any of these templates, don't be afraid to use them.

10 SHOES Every Woman Should Own! *essentials you'll love* (May 2024)

  • Footwear, Shoes
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