10 Signs He's Just Using You

Being with someone out of interest is something that unfortunately happens not only in soap operas but also in real life. And it can happen to any of us. Therefore, one must always be alert to the signals he gives. If you suspect that he is just using you, and have many of these signs, put yourself first in your life and move away from those who only suck your energy and hurt you. Know what these signs are:

  1. Listen your heart
    If that voice in your head is giving you warnings all the time, which are your natural instincts, be aware. Your subconscious may be picking up subtle signals that your heart is too in love to notice.
  2. He doesn't make much effort
    He sees you when it's convenient for him (like when you go to his house or meet him with his friends). But he doesn't make much effort to come to you.
  3. He never pays you anything
    If you always seem to be spending money for dinner, movie tickets, taxis, entrance fees? all! You may start to wonder if he is using you for the money.
  4. He doesn't make you feel special
    It allows you to make him feel special, but can't you remember the last time he did something to make you feel the same way? Do you feel like you're constantly doing nice little things to him, but he never reciprocates? Be aware of these actions.
  5. He acts differently when he is with friends
    How a man acts with you when your friends are around can be an important indicator of how he really feels about you. He may be sweet when you are alone, but as soon as he is with friends, is he distant, rude, indifferent? Is he ashamed to take you on? If so, he simply doesn't deserve your company and attention.
  6. Friends and acquaintances warn that he's a different guy when you're not near
    If there are inconsistencies with the stories you hear from others about his personality, which are different from how he acts when he is with you, he may be acting out, and having a fake relationship with you.
  7. He has motivations to be with you and lives talking about them
    Does he talk about other ulterior motives to you, such as how can your father get a job for him, that he would like to use your beach house, or that he would love for you to take him on a trip? This can be a strong indicator that he is using you.
  8. Do you feel like you're working for him
    Is he constantly asking you to do your chores, run errands, hitchhikers, and make you divert your way to serve him? Know that you are not your assistant, but your girlfriend.
  9. He only comes to your house when you are hungry or need to do the laundry
    He always brings the clothes to be taken and eats his food. Once these needs are always met, he will settle for doing so.
  10. You're only wanted in his moments of weakness.
    Does he only call you when he's sad, drunk, the car broke down, or had a bad day? Get out of this relationship that only makes you feel sucked!
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