Brazil nuts and their health benefits

Brazil nut is the seed of Brazil nut, a large tree, typical of the northern region of the country and one of the Amazonian products that are most exported abroad, where it is also known as Brazil nut. Its bark is thin, smooth-textured brown and its pulp is white.

Besides its special and pleasant taste, Brazil nuts are rich in proteins, vitamins, fiber and minerals such as calcium, magnesium, zinc, potassium, copper and manganese, which offer a number of health benefits to men and women.

Antioxidant effect

One of the main benefits of eating Brazil nuts is its antioxidant effect due to the high amount of selenium that the food carries.

Selenium is a mineral capable of combating cell aging, the appearance of tumors and neurodegenerative diseases such as multiple sclerosis and Alzheimer's, for example.

The mineral also triggers free radical-fighting enzymes and replenishes the amount of nutrients the cell needs to stay healthy.

Good fat

Because it is part of the oilseed group, Brazil nuts are also rich in good fats, with omega 3 and 6. These fats are monounsaturated and polyunsaturated, thus contributing to the reduction of LDL levels, also known as bad cholesterol. blood and helps raise HDL, the good cholesterol, contributing to the reduction of cardiovascular disease.

Even with so many benefits, the daily consumption of this oilseed should be moderate. 27 calories are present in a single unit, so the recommendation of doctors and nutritionists is that if a person consumes up to 2 units per day to ensure the benefits of the seed without having weight gain problems.

The benefits listed by regular consumption of Brazil nuts are varied. It is considered to be a functional food, because besides being nutritious, it can help to take care of health in different ways.

The consumption of one nut a day contributes to the fight against cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes and obesity, and contributes to reducing the incidence and spread of cancer. It also helps prevent myocardial disease and heart dysfunction by improving the immune system response, balancing hormones and aiding thyroid function. Its vitamins and minerals help the nervous system function and help reduce bad blood cholesterol levels, as well as combat anxiety, depression and improve mood.

There are several different ways to consume Brazil nuts. Although many people consume it fresh, it is also possible to use seed oil in salads such as flour, minced or toast in various sweet and savory recipes.

The large amounts of fat in Brazil nuts cause them to become rancid in a short time. To increase shelf life, it is recommended that it be stored in the refrigerator, which makes it last for about five months, whereas when stored in dry, heat-free places, the consumption time is only 3 months. .

Now, just include this delight on your and your family's menu and enjoy.

The Benefits of Nuts | Living Healthy Chicago (April 2024)

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