10 Things That Make Men Happy

Can you think of ten items that can make the men you know happy?

If, as they say (or rather, we women) say, men are all the same, it should not be difficult to please them, but we know the reality is not quite so. The truth is that, having such a different nature from the male, it is very difficult for us to understand how the soul of these creatures works. While we believe they'd like a romantic dinner, the ungrateful actually only want to play video games all afternoon.

Askmen.com, dedicated to the male audience, has published a list of ten things that make men really happy. The list was compiled by York University behavioral economist Nick Powdthavee, who wrote the book The Equation of Happiness. Follow the list and learn how to act when you want to let the men in your life jump for joy.

1 ? Spend time with friends

Any news? If you have ever had a boyfriend, brother or friend in your life, you know this is an absolute truth. Men are completely at ease among their fellow men. Maybe because the territory is free there and they can be as guttural as they want without the interference of women complaining about belching, profanity and scattered mess. "It's an activity that produces a long and steady flow of serotonin, one of the hormones responsible for happiness," explains Powdthavee.

2 ? Be healthier than others

Health, of course, is a common concern for all people, men or women. However, apparently, our concept of health depends not only on the diseases we suffer from, but also on the incidence of these diseases in the environment in which we operate. "Apparently we don't feel so bad about a health problem if many of our friends suffer from the same disease," says Nick. Being healthier than other people contributes to happiness.

3? Have a happy partner

Do you know when someone around you starts to laugh and soon everyone around you is laughing together, even if they don't know why? In relationships, it goes something like this: A man is more likely to be happy if he has a partner who has a positive attitude toward life. According to the list's author, "One of the secrets to having a happy marriage is having a happy partner."

4? Work with what they love

And who wouldn't want to work with what they like? For Powdthavee, the men who work at doing what they love are so happy they don't care how much they are making. It's easy to understand why: How people spend most of their time working, the type of activity they do, and how they feel about it is a determining factor in measuring individual satisfaction.

5? Be solidarity

Helping other people makes life more enjoyable. This statement has to do with feeling useful as part of a community, according to Powdthavee.

6? To marry

That's right, girls, marriage is not an eternal condemnation for all men, on the contrary. Nick says they tend to feel happier when they are married, because "marriage increases men's life expectancy." However, he also says that "most of this happiness is generally felt during the first year of marriage." Sad news.

7? Live near work

Those who live in big cities know how unpleasant it is to spend precious hours of the day trapped in giant traffic jams, or by public transport. Living close to work considerably lowers stress levels and helps you achieve a happier life.

8? Be young or be old

As children, our joy seems endless. During our growth we have somehow become so preoccupied with adverse circumstances that we tend to experience some crises; Finally, as we grow older, we regain the same joy of life we ​​had when we were young. According to Powdthavee, this is what we call the "midlife crisis."

9? Sex

As a list about men, it was expected that this item was among the first places. Even so, sex is an important tool for making men happier. According to research by economists David Blanchflower and Andrew Oswald, people who have sex regularly are actually happier than others.

10? Earn more than others

Of course, here is a classic example of male competitiveness. It is not enough to have money, you must have more money than other people. Men, apparently, always want to feel more successful than their friends and co-workers, for example.

It's okay that Powdthavee's list is about men, but doesn't it seem an almost perfect metaphor of what we women also consider indispensable for happiness? The differences between each exist, but surely the men you know are happy with at least some of the items on this list.

How about you? What makes you happy? Leave your opinion in the comments below.


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