10 Unusual and Practical Uses for Hair Spray

Formerly known as hairspray, hairspray can not miss any woman's need as they are best friends for rainy days and important events. The product is the evolution of hair gel and each day has been further enhanced by the cosmetics industry, with different effects and intensities of fixation.

Because the fixer has a varnish-like effect, it can be used for other beauty rituals that go beyond hair and can even help with some household activities. Check out the list below for tips on how to adapt the product and see how it can be used in ways we never imagined:

1. Hide white hair: In a small container, it may be on the spray cap itself, splash the liquid until a small amount of the product is formed. Then add shade of the color closest to your hair. If the shadow is compact, scrape the shadow with the handle of a spoon. Mix using a toothbrush or a clean mascara brush. The mixture is ready and just apply to white hair.

2. Control the frizz: When it is raining, goose bumps are uncontrollable and in these situations the spray fixer can help you have great control of your hair. Apply the fixative spray on a toothbrush and brush the hair on your hair. It's a great tactic to improve your look and keep your hair looking natural.

3. Comb the eyebrow: apply the hairspray to a eyebrow brush (which can also be replaced with a clean mascara applicator) and comb the eyebrow, always starting at the inside corner. It is a way of keeping the wires in place longer.

4. Fix makeup: After the makeup is ready, apply the fixative spray at a distance of at least 20cm from the face and make sure the application is quick and light so that a large amount of the product is not deposited on the skin of the face. This trick will ensure greater durability of the makeup.

5. Disguise Cellulite: Spray where you want to hide the cellulite and firm the skin. Apply the product at a distance of 30cm from the skin. However the effect of the product will end if the skin comes into contact with water. This trick is used by models on catwalks and carnival riders, it's a great way to make sure everything stays in place with your body moving.

6. Fix thin sock with spray: The thin sock is made of a very fragile fabric, not always fixed on the skin, especially with the friction of shoes. One solution to this problem is to apply the fixative spray in the region where the fabric is moving. Make sure that the distance is sufficient not to over-wet the sock.

7. Eliminate hair on clothes: apply the spray on a towel and then wipe over the hairy fabric. As the fabric dries, apply more fixative on the towel until you can remove all hair from the fabric.

8. Remove pen smears: To remove highlighter pen stains, soak the stained fabric with water, then use a towel soaked in the spray liquid and rub until the stain completely transfers to the towel, then wash the garment as normal.

9. Secure the zipper: If a pants zipper is not stopping properly, this is especially true when the pants are tight, spray before wearing the garment. The effect of the liquid will help keep the zipper teeth together and avoid embarrassment in public places.

10. Remove lipstick stains: spray the stain until the fabric is very wet, let it act for at least 3 minutes, then wipe the area with a towel and the stain will run over the towel. Thus, the piece will be ready to be washed as usual.


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