5 Homemade Rosemary Oil Recipes for Hair Loss and Hair Growth

If you have observed that your hair is falling out a lot, either due to stress or some illness you have experienced, such as a flu, you may be interested in rosemary oil.

Although there is no scientific evidence, rosemary oil is traditionally used by many cultures, especially in Mediterranean countries, to accelerate growth and combat hair loss, preventing baldness.

Would this effect be obtained due to a number of benefits of rosemary oil, such as the fact that it is rich in antioxidants? substances that combat the damage caused by free radicals derived from pollution and chemicals?, leaving the hair follicles healthier.

Another property of this oil is its antimicrobial power. Because of this feature, it would be able to fight bacteria and fungi, preventing the emergence of dandruff and inflammation that could cause hair loss.

In addition, rosemary essential oil would have the ability to fight inflammation of the scalp, favor cell division and provoke local vasodilation, increasing blood flow.

Read also: Baobab Oil Gives More Beauty to Skin, Hair and Nails

All of this would act as a very beneficial stimulus to the hair follicles, resulting in decreased hair loss and accelerated hair growth.

How to use rosemary oil

If you have been curious about the benefits attributed to rosemary oil, you can follow some homemade recipes to test the effects on your hair. Important: Do not use rosemary oil if you are pregnant or have epilepsy or hypertension.

1. Rosemary Oil with Coconut Oil to Moisturize Yarn

This recipe is very simple: just mix a few drops of rosemary oil with coconut oil and use it to moisturize your hair.

2. Rosemary Serum to Stimulate Growth

In 50 ml of sweet almond oil, add 8 drops of rosemary essential oil, 6 drops of lavender essential oil and 3 drops of sage essential oil.

Apply this serum to the hair and scalp every 2 days after washing the hair. In addition to stimulating growth, it also leaves your hair with a wonderful scent.

Read also: 9 ways to use coconut oil on hair and enjoy its benefits

3. Rosemary Oil Mask to Make Hair Grow

In a small container, mix 1 egg, 1 teaspoon of organic honey, 1 teaspoon of coconut oil and 6 drops of rosemary essential oil. Apply to hair and let it act for 60 minutes. Rinse in warm water and let it dry naturally.

4. Rosemary oil to massage the scalp

Massaging the scalp is a good way to activate circulation by increasing the flow of oxygen and nutrients to this region. To enhance the effect of massage, you can use a recipe made with 5 ml of jojoba oil and 8 drops of rosemary oil.

With your fingertips, massage all areas of the scalp starting at the front, following the sides and ending at the back. Make circular motions and exert constant pressure. Tip: Massage will be even more enjoyable if you and your partner do each other.

5. Night treatment with rosemary oil

If your hair needs more powerful hydration and nutrition, you can try this night treatment.

To do this, mix 2 teaspoons of organic coconut oil, 1 teaspoon honey and 3 drops of rosemary essential oil. Before bed, apply the product to the strands, especially the ends, and tie the hair in a bun, covering it with a cap. Protect the pillow with a towel to prevent any stains. Wash your hair in the morning to remove the product.

Read also: Flaxseed Oil: Benefits for Hair, Skin and General Health

If these recipes do not have the desired effect and you continue to notice that your hair does not grow or that you are losing too much hair, it is worth making an appointment with a dermatologist to find out and treat the cause of the problem.

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