5 ways to increase productivity by doing nothing

Many productivity books tell you what you can do more to achieve goals, purposes, money, success, etc. But doing more is difficult. You need to eliminate first. The key is to find simple things you can cut where you can at least do nothing instead of doing things that really hurt your productivity.

Check out the list of situations where we should not do anything prepared by entrepreneur James Altucher:

  1. Do nothing when you are angry. Some people think that anger can focus emotions, but it doesn't. You have to wait until it passes and then you have perspective. Time is the dose of morphine that soothes anger. Then you can act.
  2. Do nothing when you are paranoid. Initially I wrote? Fear? on here. But fear can focus on us. But often I'm not afraid, I'm paranoid. My best reaction is to sit back and think about the fact that almost 99 percent of what has made me paranoid in the past has never come true.
  3. Do nothing when you are anxious. There is nothing so important that you cannot wait. This is an opportunity to think: What in my life can be rearranged so that something like that doesn't bother me so much? What can I change ?? And then have fun changing.
  4. Do nothing when you are tired. Taking care of sleep is the best way to improve productivity in your life, not bang your head against a computer.
  5. Do nothing when you want to be loved. How many times have I gone to a meeting, taken a trip abroad, made stupid investments, written articles, just to have someone like me? Mom, dad, a friend, a reader, an investor, a client, a stranger. Answer: a lot of times. Oftentimes. Did I make any money like that? Did I feel fulfilled? Never.

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