6 Whole Grains You Should Include In Your Diet

Including whole grains in your diet is important not only for nutrients, but also because they improve digestion, aid in weight loss and help make a variety of dishes, and are great sources of fiber and complex carbohydrates.

Therefore the consumption of whole grains has been growing more and more. Here are six options to add to your diet and learn about their health benefits:

1. Oats

Known as the "Queen of Grains", it has high energy value and helps regulate blood glucose levels, which facilitates its transformation into energy sources, helping to improve metabolic rate. It also contains many fibers, which promote bad cholesterol (LDL) control, digestion and alleviate anxiety. In addition, oats are an important source of vitamin B, necessary for the proper functioning of the nervous and muscular systems, and which protect cells from the effects of free radicals.

2. Brown Rice

White rice is more common in the supermarket, but it is essential to know that whole grain rice is the best alternative and offers 100% nutritional properties. The main benefits are: good amounts of B vitamins (improve the functions of the nervous system and the brain), source of magnesium (important for various biological processes in the body), is natural fiber (improves digestion and prolongs satiety). It also optimizes the absorption of essential nutrients and is good for cardiovascular health.

3. Barley

It is the fifth most cultivated grain in the world. It has low calories and provides important nutrients to the body. Contains vitamins B1 and B2, zinc fiber, magnesium, helps improve digestion, reduces the absorption of harmful intestinal lipids and is one of the best natural remedies for high triglycerides. Barley also regulates the intestinal tract and helps in the elimination of waste. But its consumption is not indicated for celiacs or people with gluten intolerance.

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4. Rye

It has a lot of nutrients but is low in calories. Its fibers help to control high cholesterol, eliminating accumulation in the arteries, and improving bowel movement, avoiding problems such as constipation. It also has an antioxidant effect, decreases the risk of nervous disorders, and is recommended for regulating blood sugar levels and reducing the risk of metabolic diseases.

5. Corn

Traditional food that has been used as a source of energy thanks to its slow absorption carbohydrates. It is also a source of vitamins A, B, and E. Benefits include: it protects the nervous, immune, and cardiovascular systems, aids the proper functioning of the intestines, protects cells against the effects of stress, and improves skin collagen by decreasing appearance of the signs of premature aging.

6. Buckwheat

Buckwheat or buckwheat is a safe food for celiac or gluten intolerant because it does not contain this protein. It is known to have high biological value amino acids that help keep the body active and muscles strong. It also contains minerals such as magnesium and iron, which are necessary for good blood health. And it has a low glycemic index that helps keep sugars at a stable level.

Do you consume any of these grains? Now that you know all the benefits and know how important they are to your body's health and functioning, remember to include them in your daily diet combined with other foods.

Which Whole Grains Do You Recommend? (April 2024)

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