Cicatricure gel: Is it really effective against stretch marks?

Considered one of the great enemies of women who care about her beauty, stretch marks can be defined as the result of stretching the skin beyond what it would endure.

Elisabete Dobao, a postgraduate doctor in Dermatology, professor of Sanitary Dermatology at Santa Casa de Misericórdia of Rio de Janeiro and a member of the European Academy of Dermatology, explains that stretch marks are the result of the breakdown of elastic fibers in the skin. It can occur in situations such as pregnancy, weight gain or rapid growth, among others. It is believed that the association of genetic factors with endocrine changes and mechanical stretching of the skin play an important role in their appearance. Although over 70% of pregnant women have the problem, almost 30%? with the same biotype and weight gain? don't develop it ?, adds the doctor.

At first, reddish lines appear in the affected region and they may later take on a whitish color, showing the appearance of scars in the future. And, precisely because they left these aesthetically unpleasant signs on the skin, it is common for women who suffer from the problem to seek solutions to combat or at least soften the appearance of stretch marks.

The good news is that it is currently possible to find some products on the market that promise these results. These include Cicatricure Gel, a scar treatment product that also ensures it has the power to soften the appearance of stretch marks on the skin.

The gel has attracted a lot of attention of women, but most of them end up in doubt about its effectiveness. Exactly why, a good solution is to pay attention to the opinions of people who have already tested Cicatricure Gel. And this is much simpler nowadays, when many bloggers share in their virtual space their observations about a product they have already tried.

Who has used Cicatricure Gel

The doctor Elisabete Dobao explains that Cicatricure Gel, in general, acts to improve the hydration and skin quality, which regenerates in a better situation. ? By analysis of the formula and, according to the manufacturer, there are no contraindications? adds.

Among the main ingredients of the Cicatricure Gel formula are some natural ones, such as onion (Allium cepa L), chamomile (Chamomilla recutita), thyme (Thymus vulgaris), walnut (Ostrea shell), walnut ( Juglans regia leaf), aloe vera (Aloe barbadensis), centella (Centella asiatica) and bergamot oil (Citrus aurantium bergamia).

Tatiane Donizete, author of the Testio by Fabricio, told the blog that some stretch marks appeared on her hip after pregnancy, which bothered her a little. She used Cicatricure Gel for two months and got great results as it moisturized her skin a lot. My streaks were red and thick and were thinning and brightening. They don't fade, but they soften a lot?

Rejane Costa of the Beauty Marathon also stated in her blog that she approved the use of Cicatricure. With a week of use, she made sure the gel made her stretch marks much less apparent.

Carol Costa, author of Momento Beaute, also reviewed Cicatricure on her blog. She stated, after using the product, that stretch marks do not fade or diminish, but the gel greatly moisturizes the skin, improving its appearance and automatically stretch marks.

Where to buy Cicatricure Gel

The average price of the product is $ 50.00 and can be found in most pharmacies. On the internet, you can buy Cicatricure Gel at Pharmacy Onofre for R $ 44,90.

Buy at the lowest price!

Other options to fight stretch marks

Elisabete Dobao points out that there are other products and treatments made in clinic to help fight stretch marks. They should preferably be treated early in their onset. Are there chemical peels, lasers, home treatments, among others ?, he says.

The doctor adds that Intense Pulsed Light is indicated when the streaks are still red, because light is attracted to the red pigment. That is, the more pigment, the more light is attracted and the better the result ?, he says.

Combination peeling is also a great option, according to Elisabete. "In it, acidic or crystal peeling is performed, followed by the application of retinoic acid peeling, where the patient must remove at home after eight hours, or glycolic acid peeling, which is still removed in the office", explains .

The doctor adds that treatments to be made at home must use assets through nanotechnology. "Thus, the assets are fragmented to the smallest possible size, penetrating the skin much more easily and increasing its effectiveness," he says.

Prevention: How to prevent the appearance of stretch marks

But are there any ways to prevent stretch marks? This is a fairly common doubt among women.

Elisabete Dobao explains that, for stretch marks that arise only by weight gain, maintaining it is ideal. "However, those that arise from the rapid growth or belly of a pregnant woman are already more difficult to prevent, because they are independent of individual action," he says. "But keeping the skin healthy and well hydrated helps maintain elasticity and improve its defense in stressful situations," concludes the doctor.

So if stretch marks are a problem that bothers you, don't be discouraged! There are good options for products and treatments to soften their appearance.

If you decide to use Cicatricure Gel, as many women have done, be aware that it will not give you instant and miraculous results, but may help soften stretch marks and leave your skin more hydrated.

If possible, also consult a dermatologist who can indicate the best treatments and products for your particular case.


  • Stretch Marks, Skin
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