Flower Bouquet Tips for Every Season

O bride's bouquet It is the second most awaited item by guests. After all, he conveys the most romanticism and elegance to the look of any bridal style. Therefore it is necessary to choose the right arrangement and the ideal flowers to compose a perfect look.

Like fruits, each flower has its right time to be born. This means that in each season a type of flower blooms. Whether in summer, winter, spring or fall, you need to know how to choose the right species.

Spring Wedding

If your ceremony happens this season, a good choice is the glass of milk flowers. Because they are showy and very firm, they are ideal for making the bouquet. The bride will find this type of flower in shades of white, yellow, red, pink, orange and also purple. Violets, lilies and bromeliads are also recommended.

Summer wedding

In a very hot season and very dry climate, the bride who gets married during this period will need more resistant flowers. Although roses appear to be very delicate, they are great for this season. Different shades are not lacking, so just choose colors that match each other to make the perfect arrangement.

Winter wedding

How about picking the tulips? Available in yellow, white, red and purple, they are the most sought after by brides when it comes to a cooler climate. But for those who want to escape tradition, orchids are the best winter substitutes.

Fall Wedding

Those wishing to get married during this season, may flower, azaleas and nice daisies are recommended. Nothing prevents making the arrangement with roses and even bromeliads.

Remember that the bouquet should be chosen according to the model of the dress, veil, hairstyle, makeup and match the other accessories that the bride will wear during the ceremony.

If the dress is very elaborate, prefer simpler bouquets without many details. For brides who prefer a more basic dress, nothing prevents them from investing in a cascading bouquet, colorful and much more flashy. Therefore, the ideal is to take a? Test? with simple arrangements to decide the best option.

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