Folliculitis: How to Prevent and Treat

Prolonged use of tight pants, especially jeans, is among the factors that cause folliculitis. They are those little red balls, with or without pus, that appear mainly in the butt and groin for the woman's despair.

Folliculitis is nothing more than an infection caused by bacteria. When we wear thicker clothes, the skin cannot perspire properly and then bacteria take advantage of ingrown hairs.

Marbles that appear as signs of folliculitis may also appear due to waxing or razor hair removal. In these cases, the inflammation is not caused by bacteria and is therefore called pseudofolliculitis.

How to treat folliculitis

Treatment for folliculitis needs to be done with specialist advice, antibiotics are usually prescribed in tablets or to be applied at the site affected by inflammation.

Glycolic, salicylic and retinoic acids are also used to treat folliculitis. These medicines serve to improve the appearance of the skin and treat the acute picture of folliculitis.

To have lasting results, it is best to invest in the prevention of folliculitis and take some care to prevent the balls from appearing again.

How to prevent folliculitis

One way to prevent folliculitis is to let the skin breathe. Avoid wearing tight, thick clothing often, especially on warmer days.

Exfoliation is a great ally when it comes to preventing folliculitis and should be done weekly. If the skin is irritated and with the first signs of folliculitis, it is best not to exfoliate so as not to further damage the skin.

Use creams that contain ingredients like urea or glycolic acid in their composition. If used frequently, they help to clear the hair.

There is no ideal hair removal method, but permanent laser hair removal is one of the most recommended as it reduces the chances of hair interlocking and thus the risks of folliculitis are lower. If you need to appeal to the blade, avoid using it against hair growth.


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