Half of young people prefer online flirting, study says

Face-to-face flirting is no longer preferred among young people. Although 83% say they are experts in the art of seduction, 50% say they only flirt online. Old-fashioned flirting personally falls in love with only 18%, who say chatting with text messages is no substitute for exchanging glances.

The survey of 1,500 young people aged 16-24 found that young people only feel more comfortable flirting in person when they are at a party, while 19% think work is a comfortable place to flirt.

The study found that while there is a rise in online romance, seduction is not completely out of this audience's taste. Regular eye contact, looks and smiles are still techniques preferred by young people when it comes to attraction. Although over a third prefer to send a smiley wink via mobile or internet.

However, while avoiding embarrassing off-screen or mobile dating, young people find the old flirting techniques more effective for long-term relationships. One in five young people admit that a smile in person is harder to resist when it comes to winning.

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