Study Confirms Stress Increases Craving for Candy

The Ribeirão Preto School of Medicine (FMRP) of USP has done a study that proves that stressed women are seven times more likely to develop Sweet Substance Dependence (DSD), that is, the irresistible and uncontrollable desire to eat sweets all the time. The study was conducted by Danielle Marques Macedo, under the guidance of Professor Rosa Wanda Diez Garcia, from FMRP's Department of Nutrition and Metabolism, with the intention of proving how the candy is consumed by women to make them feel better.

The survey was conducted with 31 women who live under constant stress and 26 others who lead a quieter life. The result shows that most stressed women assume that they have consumed and already consumed sweets several times to feel better and that they feel some kind of symptom in the absence of sweets. Even knowing the health-threatening conditions that the constant consumption of sweets can cause, they constantly consume them, and they need larger and larger portions, including wasting time on other activities thinking about ways to buy sweets and consuming them. These characteristics match those of someone who owns the DSD and should seek help before health is impaired.

Both types of women want to eat candy, but those with DSD feel the greatest need, as if it were a real addiction. This is due to the higher basal leptin levels in these women and the high level of this hormone tends to increase the consumption of food, especially sweets. The data show not only the difference in sugar intake but also points to a difference in waist circumference, which is considerably larger in stressed women.

Food Addiction Hypnosis - Powerful Aversion Therapy | Think Yourself Slim (April 2024)

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