Himalayan pink salt: find out why it is the purest salt on the planet

Today there is a growing interest from people for healthier food and lifestyle habits. The desire to take care of food in particular is very valuable. But often people find themselves? Lost? faced with so much? advice? and options offered by the food market.

"Many new products are pure fad, designed just to make us spend money," says Camila Secches, an endocrinologist by SBEM (Brazilian Society of Endocrinology and Metabology), specialist in nutrology by ABRAN (Brazilian Association of Nutrology) and professor of endocrinology at Itajubá Medical School.

And the Himalayan Pink Salt, what is it? Is it really beneficial to health? Is it worth putting it in place of common salt?

Do you give the answers to these and other questions below so that at the end of the reading you feel safer choosing the? Ideal salt? for your food.

What is Sal Rosa?

Why has he gained such prominence? Camila explains that about 200 million years ago, the sea reached the bed of the Himalayan mountain range, which is located in Asia and crosses many countries, such as China, Nepal, Myanmar, Pakistan, Bhutan, Afghanistan and India. "The sea has gradually moved away from the mountain range over the years, but has left a layer of sea salt crystals on the ground," he says.

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Years later, this salt was covered with volcanic lava. Lava is believed to have protected salt from pollution and climate change, so today's Himalayan Pink Salt is the purest salt found on the planet. The various shades of pink depend on the quantity and quality of the minerals that compose it, especially the proportion of iron ?, highlights the expert in nutrology.

Health Benefits of Himalayan Pink Salt

Camila explains that Himalayan Pink Salt is naturally rich in iodine. "It's less than 1/4 of its composition in sodium and contains over 80 types of minerals and elements that include magnesium, calcium, potassium and bicarbonate," he says.

Because it contains so many minerals, Himalayan Pink Salt, according to endocrinologist Camila, may be associated with several situations:

  • Maintain the body's hydroelectrolytic balance;
  • Restore the pH of the stomach;
  • Reduce the risk of gastroesophageal reflux disease;
  • Reduce the incidence of goiter (enlarged thyroid);
  • Prevent cramps;
  • Maintain good bone and tooth health
  • Help the gut to absorb nutrients.

"It is naturally free of microorganisms and, because it has less sodium than ordinary salt, has less impact on blood pressure levels," Camila adds.

Himalayan Pink Salt x Sea Salt x Common Salt

Understand why so much is currently being talked about about Himalayan Pink Salt and why it is considered the healthiest option.

Common Salt: Camila explains that the common salt refining process eliminates all its minerals and preserves only chloride and sodium. Sodium is primarily responsible for the rise in blood pressure. Since the amount of sodium in common salt is higher than in Himalayan Pink Salt, we can eat only 3 to 5g per day. As for Sal Rosa, the ideal consumption is 6 to 10g per day (double) ?, says.

? In addition, the common salt goes through a chemical bleaching process and treatment with anti-aggregating substances (not to form lumps when exposed to moisture) and is unnecessarily heated to high temperatures. And yet, the iodine added to salt is often synthetic, which hinders proper utilization by the body ?, adds the expert in nutrology.

Pink Salt: Himalayan Pink Salt, in turn, does not undergo refinement or processing, nor does it receive chemical additives. "It's naturally rich in iodine," says Camila.

Sea salt: Although pink salt comes from the mountains, it is technically also a sea salt, as Camila points out. Himalayan Pink Salt is the purest form of sea salt available. Pink salt is better than sea salt, but any sea salt is nutritionally superior to ordinary salt. The more refined the sea salt or any salt, the worse its quality. The pink salt is marketed pure, without undergoing any chemical process, nor refinement or processing ?, highlights.

How to use Pink Salt?

It is used for cooking, as a substitute for common salt, and also for seasoning salads, for example. • Pink salt blocks are also used as boards for serving and / or preparing food. Fish and some cuts of meat can be preserved in Sal Rosa before preparation. The Pink Salt blocks can still be heated to temperatures from 200 to 400F and used as a cooking surface ?, says Camila.

The recommended daily amount is related to sodium content and should not exceed 2.3g or 2.300mg of sodium, as the endocrinologist points out.

Pink Salt is also used in cosmetics as bath salts. “Bathing with Himalayan Pink Salt promises to be a relaxing and therapeutic experience for mind and body,” says Camila.

Salt is also used in decorative objects such as potpourri and in aromatherapy essential oils. Another very common object made from Pink Salt is the Himalayan Salt Lamps. It is a kind of salt candle, dug from a larger stone of pink salt, with an incandescent bulb or a candle inside. When lit, the salt crystals emit a soft and warm light ?, highlights Camila.

Where to buy Himalayan Pink Salt

It is now very easy to find Sal Rosa for sale, even over the internet, as you can see in the gallery below.

Himalayan Grosso Pink Salt for R $ 26,64 on Raw Diet

Himalayan Rose Fine Salt for $ 9.99 at Loja da Mimo

Himalayan Pink Salt with grinder for R $ 24 on Everything Healthy

Himalayan Rose Rose 120g for R $ 14,79 at Lar Natural

Himalayan Pink Salt Himalayan Pink for R $ 25 at Emporio Mercantil

Iodized Fine Pink Salt for R $ 25,80 at Emporio Mercantil

The price of pink salt is a little higher than that of ordinary salt, but nevertheless it has been the bet of most people trying to follow a healthy diet.

Beware of excesses!

Despite its health benefits, it is worth remembering: Himalayan Pink Salt should not be consumed in excess either.

For every 1g of pink salt there is 230mg of sodium. The current recommendation to prevent hypertension and cardiovascular disease is not to exceed 2,300mg of sodium per day. Which is equivalent to 10g of Sal Rosa. 1 teaspoon of salt is 3g, so 3 ½ coffee spoons of Himalayan Pink Salt is the maximum amount we can use, ”explains Camila.

• For people over 40, of African descent, with hypertension, diabetes or chronic kidney disease, the recommended amount is less than 1,500mg of sodium per day, which is equivalent to 6.5g of pink salt or 2.5g. coffee spoons ?, adds the endocrinologist.

Camila highlights below the main tips to reduce salt intake (in general) in everyday life:

  • Always taste the food before seasoning.
  • Add salt only after the dish is ready.
  • Preferably use Pink Salt or other sea salt, which allows you to salt food with less sodium.
  • Abuse spices such as parsley, chives, black pepper, paprika, turmeric and curry.
  • Avoid processed foods, ready-made frozen food, ready-made sauces and high-sodium shoyo sauce.

Now you have the information you need to draw your own conclusions and decide if, although it costs a little more expensive, it is worth replacing the common salt with the Himalayan Pink Salt!

Why Pink Himalayan Salt Is So Expensive | So Expensive (May 2024)

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