Homemade Tips to Control Hair Loss

You comb your hair or run your hand through it, and suddenly you have a feeling that you will end up balding, given the amount of hair that comes out of your scalp. Hair loss is a common problem for most women, and has many reasons. Emotional, hormonal, food and even genetic problems have been related to it by experts. In addition, some practitioners state that factors such as pollution and excessive sun exposure also negatively influence.

Those who suffer from hair loss find it difficult to contain it. However, some basic care can greatly reduce the problem.

The power of ginger

This root has stimulating substances that can stop hair loss and other problems such as dandruff. To use it properly, you can regularly include ginger in your diet, or opt for topical, ie external, use.

To do this, grate some ginger and mix it with sesame oil? If you do not have this oil available, use olive oil. Pass over the scalp, massaging it and letting it sit for about ten minutes. Then wash your hair normally.

B12 vitamin

Vitamin B12 aids the production of red blood cells, so important for blood circulation. Deficiency of this vitamin is mainly in people with an essentially vegetarian diet, but not only in them.

Ingesting vitamin B12 is critical for anyone who wants to combat hair loss. Is this vitamin available as food supplements or even capsules? and, being natural, can be easily found.

Oil Combination

The watchword is hydration. In this simple homemade recipe, you will need ten drops of lavender oil, ten drops of rosemary oil, five drops of basil oil, two tablespoons of jojoba oil and half a cup of almond oil. Mix everything and apply on the scalp, letting it act for 20 minutes and wash your hair normally then.

Green tea

Known for its detoxifying properties, green tea helps to eliminate harmful substances from the body and thereby decrease hair loss. The treatment consists of taking the tea every day, at least twice a day. Although the results are a little slower, they will no doubt appear.

Brush care

Combing our hair right after the shower is tempting and because we are used to this ritual it seems almost logical. But this simple gesture may be making the problem of hair loss worse. Wet, the strands become more prone to breakage. If you cannot control yourself, use a comb? and not a brush? to untangle the wet wires.

Honey and aloe

Aloe vera has numerous beneficial properties for hair. One is a powerful ally in the fight against the fall. Just scrape that kind of? Gel? contained in the leaves of the plant and mix with some honey. Apply the resulting paste to the scalp, massaging carefully. Let stand for 20 minutes and wash the wires normally.

Foods to Help Fight Hair Loss (March 2024)

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