5 tips for women who earn more than their partners

The feminist struggle for gender equality is not over: there are still explicit differences between men and women in most jobs and even when it comes to social rights. Still, many women are already in a situation that their mothers and grandparents could hardly imagine in their day? In many families, women now earn higher wages than their husbands.

This pay gap, though not a rule, is a reality and can become a problem in the relationship if the man becomes uncomfortable about it. If you are experiencing this, be aware of the tips below to learn how to act in order to deal with the difference without harming your relationship.

1 ? Do not apologize

If you get a better salary than your husband, it is important to understand that apologizing to him will not improve the situation. This kind of attitude demonstrates a somewhat chauvinistic thinking, since it implies that earning higher wages is not a female right before men.

You must be proud of what you have achieved because you have probably made a great effort to reach the position you have reached. Understand that your financial contributions to your home and family are the result of your work? and you're not to blame for not getting the same result.

2 ? Be honest with yourself

If the fact that your husband doesn't earn the same as you bother him, try to be honest with yourself about it. Try to analyze the real problem: would you like his financial responsibilities to be higher? Do you feel wronged by investing more money than him in family welfare? Do you think he doesn't try hard enough?

Answering these questions is critical to solving this nuisance on your own or through open conversation with your partner.

3? Bet on the dialogue

If you are bothered that your husband does not earn as much as you do, you must understand that he possibly feels the same way. Not to be unfair, believing that he just doesn't try hard enough, call him to talk about how each of you sees the situation. Dialogue is powerful in solving this kind of friction.

4? Show him that you respect what he does

If the problem is the fact that he bothers? even more than you? For less, invest in his self-esteem. Try to show that you respect his efforts and work, and do everything he can to make you feel guilty because your success is greater than his. Just not worth apologizing, as mentioned earlier.

5? Laughing is the best medicine

To ease tensions, nothing better than betting on programs for you to have fun together. Spending time with your sweetheart is a great way to break the couple's tense mood and divert your attention from financial matters. Go out for the weekend or go to the movies together, for example. When the problem is too deep, a little laugh may be the best solution.

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