Peeling: which one is ideal for your skin?

The skin can be stained for a number of reasons: sun spots, from pregnancy, even the computer light leaves your marks. Not to mention the wrinkles, which sooner or later appear. Getting all skin marked is no longer an option for a long time. Peelings are a safe and quick option to eliminate the marks of time, nature or even carelessness. There are several types and one of them will be perfect for you. Let's find out more?

First of all?

It's no use reading this column and getting to the dermatologist already telling you which peel you want to do. The doctor needs to evaluate your skin (the type of blemish, the depth and cause of its appearance) and then indicate what your treatment will be. Moral of the story: You need to look for a reputable professional. Peelings should be done by dermatologists, it is not worth risking your skin on little known and doubtful beauticians.

1 ? Mechanical Peeling or Crystal Peeling

The purpose of this type is to remove the surface layer of the skin through aluminum oxide crystals or diamond tips attached to a device that makes a suction on the skin.

Who is it for?

Especially for those who have superficial spots (not so deep pimple marks and fine wrinkles), whose skin color is lighter. The ideal is to avoid this type in dark and black skin, since it is possible to increase spots, which appear by the post-peeling inflammatory effect. It should not be used on very thin skins, already using other peels.

And the results?

They can already be seen from the first session and the effects are most noticeable when combined with topical use of acids or vitamin C. A minimum of three sessions, with an interval of 15 to 30 days between them, are recommended.

2 ? Laser Peelings (Physical)

In this type, light emissions are made according to the type and depth of the spot, in order to remove the layers of the skin. The goal is to peel off to renew cells and also slow down melanin production. Remember that there are several types of laser, more powerful or not, that will be used according to the patient's stains and / or wrinkles.

Who is it for?

It should be used on people with deeper stains. Must be applied monthly or six months between sessions, depending on the laser used.

And the results?

It can be seen from the first session, after the flaking or implosion of melanin within the cells occurs. But you have to take it easy: overuse can weaken the skin and cause blemishes. Therefore, the procedure should be performed by a trusted doctor.

3? Acid-based peel

They are made from retinoic acid, phenol or glycolic have medium to deep intensity, depending on the problem of the person.

Who is it for?

For skin with wrinkles, acne scars, spots and ridges that form more relief. It stimulates the growth of new cells, which offers a skin with a more uniform color and smoother texture.

And the results?

Like previous peels, from the first session, after peeling, the results already appear.

Is there a contraindication?

Yes. Pregnant or nursing women cannot opt ​​for this treatment. You have to stop breastfeeding to peel, ok? However, some dermatologists release gentle mechanical peeling for future moms. Ideally, talk to your gynecologist first.

After peeling: more than necessary care

  • Even if you don't get out in the sun, you need to use a sunscreen with SPF 30 or higher, depending on your skin type, which should be reapplied every three hours;
  • Some skins get dry, so ask your doctor for a special moisturizer. It is not a good idea to use a body cream as the skin becomes more sensitive;
  • Hide from the sun during the hours from 10h to 16h.

Summer is not usually the ideal season for this treatment as peels make skin sensitive and thinner. Enjoy the end of summer, do not take too long and make an appointment with your dermatologist.

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