Smoking during pregnancy is harmful to the baby

Cigarette is a drug and, like all others, harms the health of smokers can cause different types of cancer, respiratory diseases, among others. Today, anti-smoking campaigns are widespread and in general, who uses the drug knows what its risks are. But the situation may be even more aggravating for pregnant women, who endanger the life of the baby. It is estimated that 36% of pregnant women cannot quit smoking.

Smoking during pregnancy can hinder the growth of the fetus within the mother's womb and trigger other health problems. "The chemical components of cigarettes can mainly cause prematurity, low weight and respiratory problems," explains the gynecologist and obstetrician of Hospital e Maternidade Brazil, Dr. Pedro Awada.

When she smokes, her mother inhales cigarette smoke through her lungs. The smoke, in turn, goes into the woman's bloodstream. And because the baby absorbs the substances in her mother's blood, she eats the carbon monoxide in the cigarette smoke. When the woman smokes, does the fetus smoke? too and so may have breathing problems. Another component that causes incalculable harm to the child is nicotine. It prevents nutrients and oxygen from reaching the baby because it narrows the blood vessels. Thus, it becomes responsible for the developmental problems of the fetus.

For mom, a bad smoking habit during pregnancy can lead to natural miscarriage, bleeding and detachment of the placenta. While expecting a baby, a woman's blood circulation is impaired. And nicotine makes the situation even worse, as the vessels will be narrower. The combination of these factors can cause thrombosis when clots form within the veins.

The obstetrician adds to the dangers to women the routine diseases of cigarettes. "The mother is also susceptible to general nicotine problems such as increased lung failure," adds the obstetrician.

Pregnancy is a magical moment and deserves this abdication, which is in favor of the health and well being of the child. And because being a mother means always doing your best for your children, trying to eliminate cigarettes from the routine should not be restricted to the gestation period only. No doubt the woman should avoid smoking while breastfeeding because it comes in contact with the baby. There are no reports that the habit influences the quality of milk, but smell will bother the baby for sure ?, says Dr. Awada.

Smoking During Pregnancy - New Study (May 2024)

  • Pregnancy, Quit Smoking
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