Spring waxing

Among the many types of hair removal already known, there is a new way to remove hair using a simple but curious accessory. It is spring hair removal, a more efficient and painless hair removal technique than the others and excellent for the face region in areas such as the fluff, cheeks and forehead.

Developed in the United States, spring hair removal uses a technique similar to Egyptian hair removal, but has the spring as a differential. It is a great choice for women who suffer not only from pain but also from allergy following the conventional waxing procedure and unwanted ingrown hairs. Best of all, this technique also does not harm the skin leaving dark spots on the shaved region.

For spring hair removal, just have the accessory at home. Its shape resembles a very flexible cotton swab.

Remember that this type of hair removal does not require the use of chemicals, any type of wax and also do not need to use batteries.

Its use has no contraindications, ie anyone can use? even those who are undergoing facial treatment using strong acids or medicines, in which cases aesthetic treatments are generally prohibited.

How to do spring hair removal?

Spring hair removal is very practical, it can be done at home. Just bend the epilating spring, hold both ends (one in each hand), touch the appliance where you want to remove the hair and turn it gently so as not to pinch the skin all the way outwards.

After using the spring, simply wipe with an alcohol-dampened cloth all over the set and you're done.

If you do not have the ability to try to do it at home, you should look for a salon that offers the spring hair removal technique. The procedure is quick, painless and the result can last up to 20 days. Using the technique constantly, the time may increase to up to 30 days.

Spring Ski Safety: Waxing the board (April 2024)

  • Body, Hair Removal
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