10 diseases pets can pass on to humans

Company, fun, learning, love? There is no denying it: having a pet at home? like a cat or a dog, for example? offers many good points!

Angélica Oliveira de Almeida, a veterinarian, specialist in veterinary acupuncture, comments that having an animal at home, in fact, offers several benefits to the person and the whole family. People who have animals have a lower risk of depression. In them happens greater release of substances such as endorphin and dopamine, which reduce anxiety ?, says.

Angelica adds that people who have animals are more active because they need to take care and walk with their animals. "They are also more sociable, and yet, according to some research, take less medicine and spend less time in hospitals," he says.

The benefits for children are greater, as the veterinarian points out. "In addition to the benefits already mentioned, they develop responsibility, learn to respect animals and work feelings of respect, self-esteem, joy, tolerance etc."

But a very common question is: which animals are the most appropriate? to be raised at home?

Angelica explains that dogs, cats, birds, rodents and even wild animals (authorized by IBAMA) can be raised at home. "But first the person needs to think if your home has physical and family structure to receive this animal," he says.

The veterinarian points out that it is not recommended to have as a pet those who are not domesticated or wild unregistered and of doubtful origin.

Giovana Mazzotti, veterinary doctor, scientific director of ANCLIVEPA-DF, emphasizes that the choice of animal must be based on the owner's lifestyle, tastes and how much he can invest financially in the care that this animal will extend throughout his life.

I do not recommend, for example, a person who lives in an apartment and works all day to buy a Labrador Retriever dog. This animal needs a lot of human contact and physical activity, which this person cannot provide. If it really is a? Dream? Having this animal, the person must be able to hire the service of a "dog school / daycare", where this animal will have activities and contact with other animals and people in the absence of the owner, "explains Giovana.

All animals, from hamster to horse, Giovana points out, require lifelong veterinary care, spending on food, health and hygiene, and owners' time for care and socializing. “The recommendation is that before you get an animal, everyone who lives in the house comes together to make the choice. So, consult a veterinarian for more detailed guidance on whether this animal would be ideal or not, as well as the care that will be needed ?, says.

Giovana points out that many people do not know that they should go to the veterinarian BEFORE purchasing the animal (this service is the consultation prior to adoption). ? This consultation, perhaps, is the most important of all, as it will guide the owner in choosing the correct animal, avoiding frustrations and abandonment. Also, in this consultation can the owner plan to receive this new family member ?, explains.

Also, it is noteworthy, it is the regular consultations with the veterinarian that will prevent the pet can catch any disease and pass on to their owners. Well, not everyone knows, but unfortunately, there are several diseases with zoonotic character (diseases that pass from animals to man). Below you know some of them and above all, how simple is it to avoid them? protecting your pet and also the health of your entire family.

10 Pet-borne Diseases and How to Avoid Them

1. Mycoses

Some types of fungi cause mycoses, both in people and animals, Angelica points out. They can live in soil, plants or skin. Although easily found, they will only cause mycoses in the presence of special conditions such as low resistance of the body.

Some types of mycoses that affect animals are transmissible to humans, but just as in animals, the person will probably only be affected if they are in a condition of low resistance.

How to avoid

According to Angelica, the best way to avoid this kind of problem is not to let the animal go outside alone and have contact with other animals that may be sick. ? Tours should always be under the supervision of the owners ?, highlights.

"When the animal shows any signs of disease it is essential to take him to the veterinarian as soon as possible to begin treatment and check the guidelines to prevent contagion," adds the veterinarian.

Another important tip is always to wash your hands thoroughly after playing with your pet.

2. Worms

Even well-kept animals are exposed to worm contamination. Especially puppies and cats. They can get them already at birth or at breastfeeding (if the mother has these organisms in her body and has not been treated properly).

In addition, worms can be transmitted through air, water, food and even street walks.

Angelica explains that some types of worms can contaminate people who have contact with animals. But simple tips can avoid this problem.

How to avoid

Angelica says that most contamination occurs due to poor hygiene, contact with feces, without proper precautions, ingestion of contaminated food. ? The main measures to avoid the problem are: hygiene and keeping your animals free of parasites, periodic deworming prevents infestation ?, highlights.

3. Cat Scratch Disease

Giovana explains that this is a disease caused by a bacterium that may be present in cat nails and saliva. Such bacteria is transmitted to the cat by the flea.

Also according to Giovana, it is a difficult disease to diagnose, since cats do not show signs and people do not associate the disease with this exposure. "It causes in humans from no clinical signs to serious cases that require hospitalization and can lead to death if left untreated," he says.

It is important to point out, according to the Master in Animal Biology, that only contaminated animals are capable of transmitting the bacteria. "Thus, rarely a scratch will cause the disease," he says.

How to avoid

Giovana explains that, like other animal-borne diseases (zoonoses), the best way to avoid this is to seek veterinary advice on how to care for the animal you have chosen as a companion. This included, for example, treating the cat properly to avoid fleas.

4. Anger

Giovana explains that rabies is a zoonosis caused by a virus that causes an extremely lethal, very serious disease. "It is transmitted to humans by contact with the animal's saliva contaminated by biting, licking wounds, mucous membranes or any small scratch," he says.

The Master in Animal Biology explains that in Brazil rabies is well controlled in urban centers. "But that was only possible with mass vaccination of dogs and cats (in government campaigns and by private veterinarians)," he says.

How to avoid

Giovana points out that the vaccine protects very well against contamination. "So all dogs and cats, regardless of where they live, should be vaccinated annually against rabies," he says.

5. Leptospirosis

Giovana says Leptospirosis is a very serious zoonosis transmitted by bacteria present in the water or food contaminated by the urine of sick animals. "In cities, the main spread of this disease is the rat, so it is so important not to come in contact with flood water," he says.

The Master in Animal Biology explains that contaminated dogs can also transmit the disease to other animals and to humans.

How to avoid

• Dogs living in at-risk areas should receive the Leptospirosis vaccine every six months. Besides being necessary to keep the environment clean and disinfected, eliminating the presence of rats ?, explains Giovana.

"If the animal is diagnosed with the disease, treatment should be started as soon as possible, intensively, with all the care to avoid human infection," adds the professional.

6. Avian tuberculosis

Giovana explains that avian tuberculosis is an infectious disease caused by a bacterium that can survive for long periods of time in adverse conditions. • The bird becomes infected when it comes into contact with contaminated water, food and feces. Besides birds, pigs and cattle and humans can be contaminated ?, he says.

How to avoid

Like all zoonoses, Giovana points out, the best form of prevention is to keep the living animal at home healthy. For this, it is essential that the owner of a bird takes the animal to a qualified veterinarian for the care of this species (Veterinary Doctor of Wild and Wild Animals). In most cities there are expert services, always recommended because they have more preparation for differentiated care of each species ?, he says.

7. Lymphocytic Choriomeningitis

This is a viral disease that affects rats and hamsters that transmit the virus through the urine. "Often the animal is well, as if healthy, but is eliminating the virus in the urine," says Giovana.

The professional explains that this is also a zoonosis (a disease that can be transmitted between animals and humans), causing signs of flu to meningitis.

How to avoid

Giovana stresses the importance of consulting a veterinarian before purchasing an animal (for more information on choice and care). ? And as soon as the person acquires the animal, should take it for consultation. Often tests will be requested that can identify how is the general health of the animal ?, says.

8. Salmonellosis

This is a disease caused by bacteria of the genus Salmonella, which affect several species of animals and man.

Angelica explains that reptiles are the largest reservoirs of salmonella and may occasionally pass it on to humans.

How to avoid

To avoid contamination, according to the veterinarian, some precautions should be taken such as hand washing after handling these animals, not handling these animals in community use environments such as bathroom, kitchen. "In addition, it is essential that the animal is accompanied by a veterinarian," he says.

9. Psittacosis

This is an infectious disease caused by bacteria that usually infect parrots (parrots, macaws, parakeets, etc.) and can eventually infect humans when they come into contact with carrier animals or with secretions of them.

"Psittacosis can be transmitted to humans because the bacteria that causes this disease can be eliminated by sick animals in feces and feathers contaminated by secretions," said Angelica.

How to avoid

According to the veterinarian, the environment in which the animal lives should be kept clean. • New or suspect animals should be quarantined, well-fed, and cared for during treatment. But the cure is debatable, the affected animals remain as reservoirs ?, he says.

10. Toxoplasmosis

This is an infectious disease also known as "cat disease". This is because, according to Angelica, Toxoplasmosis is caused by the protozoan toxoplasma gondii that is found mainly in the cat's feces.

The veterinarian explains that Toxoplasmosis rarely causes problems in the adult individual. The greatest risk is in pregnant women and immunosuppressed people. The contamination is made fecal-oral, ie, there must be ingestion of the parasite that is in the feces, so some care is needed ?, says.

How to avoid

Angelica emphasizes that it is necessary to avoid contact with cat feces and, if handling of these feces is necessary, hygiene is an essential factor.

? It is fundamental hygiene also in the preparation of the food and with the kitchen utensils, besides avoiding eating rare meat ?, highlights.

Can dogs and cats cause allergies in humans?

Many people believe that dogs and cats can cause allergies in humans. Giovana points out, however, that they do not cause allergies, as this is an immunomediated condition (a situation in which the immune system attacks the body) of the patient himself. "What happens is that some allergic people manifest clinical signs when in contact with the animals (hair, mites, hair proteins of the animal's saliva)," he says.

The Master in Animal Biology points out that allergic people should seek treatment with Allergists. "The treatment for allergy in humans is usually long, but if done correctly, it is very effective (healing or establishing seizure improvement)," he says.

Prevent yes, never abandon!

In fact there are some diseases that can be transmitted from pets to men. However, this should never be used as a justification for abandoning an animal.

Unfortunately this is already a reality: daily many animals such as dogs and cats are left to fend for themselves, usually due to the irresponsibility of people who bought / adopted them without thinking of the care they would require (food and vet costs, care, space, etc.). ).

Abandoning an animal, besides being an inhuman attitude, is a crime. As well as cases of abuse. The complaint is legitimized by Article 32 of Federal Law no. 9,605 of 1998 (Environmental Crimes Law). The penalty is imprisonment from 3 months to 1 year and fine.

Giovana Mazzotti points out that there are diseases with zoonotic character, however, if the animal is healthy, it does not transmit diseases. "This reinforces the importance of constant monitoring by the veterinarian, as well as maintenance of hygiene, food and welfare of these animals," he says.

Angélica Oliveira de Almeida points out that pets should be accompanied periodically by veterinarians, and these will guide what are the care for the animal's health, from vaccines, dewormers, to the best diet, management and hygiene. This keeps the health of the pet up to date, as well as the health of the owner?

That way, taking care of the animal's health, there is no reason to worry about having it at home! You, the pet and the whole family will be protected.

Can Humans Get PARASITES From DOGS? - Zoonotic Diseases (April 2024)

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