11 Things Only Oily Hairers Will Understand

Having oily hair is not the easiest thing in the world and we must confess that we are mildly envious of those who wash their hair at most 3 times a week. Who has oily hair knows well the drama of feeling the need to wash it every day and sometimes even twice a day.

The end of the day has come and do you have the feeling that your hair oil can fry a drumstick? We list 11 things that only those who suffer from this drama feel daily. Check out!

1. Sleeping with wet hair is normal for you

When the day is very busy, the only time you have to wash your hair is at night, just before going to bed. But you have to wash anyway, especially if you won't have time to wash them the next day before leaving home. And then you go to sleep with it wet, because if you dry it will wake up oily.

2. You have to control yourself so that you don't run your hair all the time

It seems that every time we brush our hair it gets greasier, doesn't it? It is very difficult to control yourself so as not to tidy up the locks all the time. If we insist, the amount of oil will be so large that your hair will shine, and it's not the cool way.

3. The hair is ok, but the bangs?

Only those with greasy hair know what it's like to wash the bangs in the sink, do you agree?

Read also: 12 tips and suggestions for caring for oily hair

4. Volume? I do not know what it is!

You may know what voluminous hair is, but that is not your reality. Oily hair is always withered and looks like it is stuck to the head with the most powerful glue in the world. Lucky that, with all the technology of hair products, we have some options that give our hair a certain volume.

5. Wash every other day

How many times have you heard that the ideal is to wash your hair every other day? But you completely ignore it because you simply can't go without washing your hair one day. How dare anyone say that we have to go a day without washing our hair, and sometimes we have to wash it up to twice a day?

6. Not only is the hair oily, the forehead is also

The forehead, especially the ends of it, is also incredibly oily and always full of pimples. This, of course, because hair transfers greasiness to the skin. And there is that struggle to find a product that softens the oiliness a little.

7. Hot Bath Synonymous With (Even More) Oily Hair

Everyone knows that a very hot bath is not good, right? But especially on cold days, it is difficult to choose warm or still cold water. In such cases, you are well aware that your hair will be even more oily than it already is.

8. Baby powder is not for babies' use only.

Dry shampoo, no doubt, was a great invention for all of us. But good old powder is still the darling in those days when there's no time to wash your hair, right? If your hair is not greasy, that may not make any sense, but trust me: talcum powder is miraculous!

Also read: 11 Mistakes You Must Avoid To Have Healthy Hair

9. Is anyone noticing my hair?

The impression we have is that everyone around us is paying attention to the oil in our hair. This terrible feeling only goes away after you wash your hair, and this is often a source of irritation and moodiness.

10. Shampoo for Oily Roots and Dry Tips

I bet everyone who has oily hair has wondered how a shampoo can get rid of the root grease and moisturize the tips at the same time. Doesn't that seem impossible? But you end up buying these products because they are your last hope.

11. You know how to make bun and ponytail like no one else

Hairpins are your best friends and are always around your wrist like bracelets. Am I wrong? I bet not. With the hair stuck, we have the impression that they are less oily.

Oily or dry, smooth or curly, short or long, we have to love our hair as it is. After all, they are part of who we are and they all have a unique charm!

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