24 Scientifically Proven Weight Loss Tips

The desire and / or the need to lose weight currently make many people constantly seek information and news about the? Universe? healthy eating, exercise and general weight loss tips.

And all the time, news? in the weight loss market: products that promise fast weight loss; foods that are? great allies? healthy eating, others who are viewed as "villains"; The? fad diet that made many famous women lose weight? and much more.

And amid so much information, much controversy, and even some 'misinformation', it is not surprising that so many people today find themselves in doubt about what they can and cannot eat; about the? best diet? and / or? ideal product? that will help in weight loss!

As obvious as it may seem, many people still do not want to believe that "there is no miracle" that healthy and permanent weight loss is actually the result of a combination of many factors related to a real change in habits, and a lot of disposition. and focus.

However, the growing interest in the subject? Weight loss? It has motivated (and still motivates) many scientists to discover strategies that are, in fact, helpful in weight loss. These are not "miraculous tips on how to lose weight", but evidence-based facts. They can be trusted and assured of the best results!

Also read: 10 foods that look healthy but aren't

1. Include eggs for breakfast

Studies have shown that including them for breakfast can help you consume fewer calories over the next 36 hours, lose more weight and lose body fat.

But if you can't eat eggs for some reason, fine, including another quality protein source for breakfast will help too!

2. Drink water, especially before meals.

Drinking water is essential and doing it before meals is even more effective: according to studies, it can increase your metabolism by 24% to 30% over an hour to an hour and a half, helping you burn more calories.

Another study from Virginia Tech University (Virginia, USA) also showed that
Drinking half a liter of water about half an hour before meals helped people consume fewer calories and lose 44 percent more weight.

Maria Luiza S. Moura, a functional nutritionist, comments that adequate water consumption is essential in a weight loss diet. Besides making the body function properly, is it a fact that drinking water helps people eat less? Since often the feeling of hunger is mixed with that of thirst. So I always remind my patients to stay hydrated all day, and shouldn't I expect thirst to come for water?

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3. Have green tea

Besides having a little caffeine, green tea has a significant amount of catechins (powerful antioxidants), and both work in synergy increasing fat burning.

Maria Luiza points out that green tea is a great ally for those who want to lose weight. Like all tea, it has a diuretic effect, which is already very beneficial, but the highlight is its thermogenic effect. Remembering that it should be taken without added sugar and moderately, preferably directed by a nutritionist ?, says.

4. Drink Black Coffee

Coffee consumption has often been criticized, but today it is known that coffee has many health benefits, especially as it has a significant amount of antioxidants.

Regarding weight loss, studies have shown that caffeine contained in coffee can increase metabolism by 3% to 11% and stimulate fat burning by up to 10% to 29%.

Just not worth adding sugar! Ideally, start by adding a little sweetener and, over time, try to take it pure. Nor should it be consumed in excess; I often recommend to my clients up to three cups of coffee a day, but this can vary greatly from person to person. The ideal is to always talk to your nutritionist ?, highlights Maria Luiza.

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5. Cut the intake of foods with added sugar.

Sugar added in various types of processed foods is today one of the most worrying factors of modern diets. Most people consume it to excess, and the worst: often without even knowing it is consuming.

The risks go far beyond weight gain. Several studies show that the consumption of
Sugar (and corn syrup) is associated with a higher risk of obesity, heart disease, diabetes, among other problems: Consumption of high-fructose corn syrup in beverages may play a role in the epidemic of obesity; Sugar-Sweetened Beverages, Weight Gain, and Incidence of Type 2 Diabetes in Young and Middle-Aged Women; Sweetened beverage consumption, incident coronary heart disease, and biomarkers of risk in men.

For all this, for those who want to lose weight, as well as for those who care about their health, it is very important to be aware of food labels? avoiding those containing added sugar as much as possible.

“A lot of people make a mistake thinking that buying a box juice, for example, is 'doing a good business', but this is a kind of product that contains a lot of added sugar, it's bad for your health. Need to pay attention to labels? I often tell my patients that if they do not know what most of the ingredients shown on the label are about, it is better not to even buy the product! ?, highlights Maria Luiza.

6. Cook with coconut oil

Coconut oil is a great health ally because it is rich in medium chain triglycerides, which are easily absorbed and transformed into energy.

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Some studies have shown that this type of fat can increase your metabolism by up to 120 calories per day, also helping to reduce your appetite and causing you to eat up to 256 fewer calories daily. Twenty-four-hour low-to-moderate amounts of medium-chain triglycerides: a dose-response study in a human respiratory chamber; Sweetened beverage consumption, incident coronary heart disease, and biomarkers of risk in men.

• Consumption of coconut oil is health-enhancing and can replace other cooking oils as it does not produce toxic products when subjected to high temperatures. However, it is worth remembering: it should not be consumed in excess, since it is a fat, so the ideal is always to talk to your nutritionist and see the best way to include it in your diet?, Highlights Maria Luiza.

7. Avoid refined carbohydrates

Excessive consumption of this type of food is strongly associated with obesity, as it causes spikes in blood sugar, favoring weight gain, and making the person feel hungry and again want to eat more and more carbohydrate (causing a vicious circle).

Some studies that have proven the harm of refined carbohydrates are: High Glycemic Index Foods, Overeating, and Obesity, and High-glycemic Index Foods, Hunger, and Obesity: Is There a Connection ?.

8. Use smaller plates

It sounds silly, but research has shown that eating on smaller plates automatically makes one eat less. It doesn't hurt to try, right ?!

9. Bet on a low carbohydrate diet.

Several studies have pointed out the benefits of this type of diet, both for those who want to lose weight and for improving overall health: A low-carbohydrate diet is more effective in reducing body weight than healthy eating in both diabetic and non-diabetic subjects; A Randomized Trial Comparing a Very Low Carbohydrate Diet and a Calorie-Restricted Low Fat Diet on Body Weight and Cardiovascular Risk Factors in Healthy Women; Low-Carbohydrate Compared to Low-Fat Diet in Severe Obesity.

? So-called low carb diets are? In fashion? Which makes many people mistakenly adopt it, damaging their health. But when well oriented by a nutritionist, they do have excellent results in weight loss ?, highlights the nutritionist Maria Luiza.

10. Have control over what you eat

Controlling the portions or calories consumed helps those who want to lose weight, assuming the obvious idea that by eating less, weight loss happens.

Some studies also point out that journaling what you eat and / or taking pictures of your meals can help with weight loss: Self-monitoring in weight loss: a systematic review of the literature; Think before you eat: photographic food diaries as intervention tools to change dietary decision making and attitudes.

"Often people eat even on impulse, repeat the meal two or three times, and in fact with the first dish would already be satiated?" This happens especially when one likes a particular food. In this sense, photographing the plate before eating it or simply looking at it can even bring an awareness that "there is enough", that is enough to kill hunger, "comments Maria Luiza.

11. Include pepper in the diet

Cayenne pepper, for example, among other peppers, is known to help speed up metabolism by containing capsaicin: Effects of capsaicin, green tea and CH-19 Sweet pepper on appetite and energy intake in humans in negative and positive energy balance ; The effects of hedonically acceptable red pepper doses on thermogenesis and appetite.

Capsaicin is the thermogenic active found in pepper, making it a food that actually increases metabolism. Its consumption is beneficial, but should be directed by a nutritionist, because in some cases, may not be well accepted ?, highlights the nutritionist.

12. Do Aerobic Exercises

This is an essential measure to burn more calories and improve overall health. It is also very effective, even to reduce the fat that tends to accumulate around the organs, which can cause metabolic disease.

13. Do Bodybuilding

One of the side effects of a weight loss diet is the loss of muscle mass which consequently generates a metabolic slowdown. Thus, weight training, combined with aerobic exercise, is very important and effective: Metabolic slowing with massive weight loss despite the preservation of fat-free mass.

14. Include more fiber in the diet

Studies show that consuming fiber helps increase satiety, causing a person to naturally eat less throughout the day.

15. Eat More Vegetables and Fruits

A study by Baylor College of Medicine (USA) links fruit and vegetable intake to weight loss. These foods are essential because they are low in calories and have a good amount of fiber, and are generally over-nutritious.

16. Chew slowly

Is it essential to take some time off? for the brain to realize that it has already been consumed enough to satiate. Thus, studies show that chewing slower makes one eat less, and stimulates the production of hormones linked to weight loss. Eating slowly increases the postprandial response of the anorexigenic gut hormones, peptide YY and glucagon-like peptide-1.

“A lot of people think it's bullshit, but it makes all the difference for those who want to lose weight! Not to mention that, chewing slowly avoids problems such as heartburn, burning, gas etc. ?, comments Maria Luiza.

17. Sleep well

One study showed that poor sleep may be associated with the development of obesity in both childhood and adulthood.

18. Control food addiction

A Newcastle University study found that dependence on certain foods is a contributing factor to overeating and may lead to obesity.

If you, for example, cannot have good control over what you eat; overdoing certain foods etc., you may be suffering from a food addiction? In this case, it is valid to seek professional help!

19. Consume More Protein

A high protein diet can increase metabolism by 80 to 100 calories a day, as well as make you feel more satiated and consume fewer calories: Gluconeogenesis and energy expenditure Presence or absence of carbohydrates and the proportion of fat in a high-protein diet affect appetite suppression but not energy expenditure in normal-weight human subjects fed in energy balance.

If necessary, supplementing with whey protein can also help a lot and anyone who wants to lose weight.

Remember that supplementation should only be done with the guidance of a nutritionist. Otherwise, the effect may be negative, both for the weight loss process and for the health in general?, Emphasizes Maria Luiza.

20. Don't drink sugar-sweetened drinks

A Boston Children's Hospital study, for example, showed that sugar-sweetened beverages are linked to a 60 percent increase in the risk of obesity in children.

The consumption of sodas as well as the juices of fruits industrialized is totally harmful to the health of children and adults? Ideally, this type of drink should not be offered to children so as not to cause health problems or addiction in the near future ?, comments the nutritionist.

21. Have only healthy foods at home

This is the best way to ensure that when you go hungry you don't resort to unhealthy foods (which are usually fast-food, such as crackers, instant noodles, etc.).

"Planning the menu of the week and already having everything at home also makes all the difference", advises Maria Luiza.

22. Always give preference to? Real food?

If you want to lose weight and be a healthier person, always give preference to food (rather than products)? A real food does not have a huge list of ingredients because it is the ingredient itself.

23. Bet on a glucomannan supplement

Glucomannan is a type of fiber that absorbs water, making you feel more satisfied and thus consuming fewer calories. This is what pointed out a research from the University of Wageningen (Netherlands).

Another study found that people who used glucomannan supplementation lost more weight than those who did not use glucomannan supplementation.

24. Escape From Diets

According to one study, people who adhere to? Diets? tend to gain more weight over time.Therefore, one sure advice is: escape the "fad diets", especially those radicals that promise great weight loss in a short time.

The way to lose weight is none other than learning to eat properly, exercise and change some habits.

Yes, some strategies may help, but the starting point is to be aware that there are no miracles and that the best weight loss diet is the one designed for you, so do not hesitate to look for a nutritionist!

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