How to end back pain

Back pain happens because of the wrong way we do our daily tasks without even realizing it. It can be sitting, lowering, carrying weight and many other simple but very harmful things. But it is possible to correct the spine and eliminate the discomfort caused by terrible back pain through simple changes in habits that also serve to prevent more serious problems.

For a good night's sleep

Changing the mattress is a very important tip on how to end back pain. Choose a mattress that is not too hard or too soft from those that sink with body weight. Orthopedic mattresses are also good options. For a good night's sleep, it is advisable to sleep on your side rather than face down.

When carrying weight

Always carry the two-strap backpack by dividing the weight between the two shoulders. When you need to get down, always bend your knees.

When sitting, always try to maintain an upright posture so that your back is completely supported by the back of the chair and your feet always on the floor.

Correct posture when driving

In order not to feel pain when driving, you must first let go of the tension, lean your spine fully on the seat and your arms always bent at the wheel. The seat position should always be in accordance with your body size.

Physical exercises

In addition to changing daily habits to avoid back pain, strenuous exercise and stretching also help to reduce back discomfort.

Remember that in addition to changing habits in everyday life, in cases of severe pain, it is essential to seek a specialist doctor to diagnose the problem and know the best way to treat.

How to Prevent and Reduce Muscular Back Pain (April 2024)

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