4 Myths About What Makes Him Blush

There are some things that can really make a man limp, and most of them are tied to a woman's attitude, such as standing in bed waiting for him to do everything himself. However, other neuras such as panty color can be discarded. Here are 4 myths about what makes a man limp and get rid of these silly beliefs.

1 ? Beige panties

A lot of women still think that just because she is wearing beige panties, the man won't be attracted to her. However, the truth is that the man will not notice so much in the panties, because what matters to him at the moment is not that. However, wearing only beige panties is not cool and can be tiring. So don't be crucified for wearing more comfortable panties one day or another, but be sure to invest in sexy lingerie whenever you can. What is truly broxant is a pierced or damaged panties, that's too much.

2 ? Vaginal flatus

The vaginal flatus is nothing more than the noises produced by the vagina that sound like gases, but are just the body expelling air that enters there. What causes this air intake most are the positions where the legs are upward. However, you do not have to worry about noise or deprive yourself of these positions. Men know that these sounds are normal and that will not blink the cat at H time. If this happens, act naturally as if nothing had happened.

3? Cellulite and stretch marks

Another thing that kills women in agony thinking they will be less sensual at the time is the existence of small stretch marks or the dreaded cellulite. Men even notice the existence of these small defects, but this is hardly an impediment to sex. When the weather warms up, the last thing he'll think about is striae and cellulite. So, no neura!

4? Lack of hair removal

This aspect may or may not be broxing, much depends on how long the woman is without shaving and also on the man's opinion about it. Spending some time without shaving and letting some hairs together will be no problem. But growing a lot of hair can be a bit tricky. However, there are men who do not even care about the "scrub". For yes and no, the ideal is to try to keep at least the minimum necessary shaved. And when you're half out of time to shave, at least get a trim in the intimate areas so you don't get too ugly.

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