Does hysterectomy cause weight gain?

It's called a hysterectomy. the surgical procedure whereby doctors completely remove the patient's uterus. This type of intervention is indicated for patients with benign womb disease who have not responded adequately to other previously used treatments. Endometrial problems are the main cause of the need for hysterectomy, but there are other problems against which it is also recommended.

Despite being a very invasive procedure, since it is a complete subtraction of an organ, hysterectomy is relatively simple and its recovery is not usually expensive. The length of stay usually ranges from 48 to 96 hours and, after discharge, the woman can go home, resting until she is completely recovered.

Consequences of hysterectomy

Once the uterus is completely removed, of course, the woman will no longer go through her menstrual cycles. However, if the ovaries have not been removed during the operation, hormonal changes will continue to occur every month, so the only thing that will not happen is bleeding, in fact. If the ovaries have been extracted, the hormonal changes experienced by the woman will be similar to those of menopause. Also, it will be impossible to get pregnant after the procedure.

The ovaries produce estrogen, which performs a number of functions in the body, helping to prevent osteoporosis and heart problems, for example. For this reason, the gynecologist is likely to prescribe a hormone replacement.

Hysterectomy and weight gain

Some patients, after undergoing the procedure, reported a sudden weight gain. In fact, this side effect is relatively common in postoperative patients, and may be related to some distinct factors. Medicine has not yet been able to explain in detail the reasons for this weight gain, but there are some theories that should be considered.

The first of these relates fat to increased production of the male hormone, also known as progesterone. Another attributes weight gain to decreased estrogen levels in the blood. Recovery time after hysterectomy surgery can also be a determining factor for weight gain, as physical exercise will be quite restricted for some time until the patient is released for it.

There is no medical evidence that hysterectomy actually causes weight gain, but there are several reports of women who underwent the procedure and noticed a significant increase.

Tips To Lose Weight After Hysterectomy

Firstly, as your physical activities are restricted, it is important to be constantly careful not to overeat. Remember that calories ingested cannot be spent through exercise, so try to control yourself better.

Investing in less expensive exercises such as yoga or pilates, for example, can be a good way to get back to work after the initial recovery period, as long as this type of activity is released by the attending physician. In addition, it is also worth giving preference to light and low fat foods.

If possible, see a nutritionist to help you organize your diet, but keep up with your gynecologist. He can guide you so that your exercise routine is healthy and postoperative.

Hysterectomy (April 2024)

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