Exercise during pregnancy is good for mom and baby

Pregnancy is a magical moment, but also a period when the body goes through various transformations. Weight gain, stretch marks, swollen feet, aches are some of the most common discomforts.

It has been known for a long time that physical exercise helps alleviate such discomfort and is critical to a smoother and healthier pregnancy. It also has benefits for the baby and also for the woman after pregnancy.

However, there are still many questions surrounding the issue: at what stage to start exercising? It is not dangerous? What are the most recommended activities? Is physical activity during this period really necessary?

Renata Tarevnic, a collaborating professor at the Celso Lisboa University Center, explains that physical activities during pregnancy guarantee many maternal and fetal benefits. Below it highlights the main advantages:

  • Improvement of pain in the lower back;
  • Decreased edema;
  • Improvement of maternal cardiorespiratory fitness;
  • Weight gain control;
  • If the mother does the physical activity in the water, the baby when born has that environment as already recognized;
  • Baby's heart rate control? better in active than sedentary mothers.

Changes in woman's body during pregnancy

To know what are the most appropriate activities for the period, it is essential to understand first what are the changes that occur in the woman's body at each stage of pregnancy.

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First quarter

Ligaments and joints are becoming looser and unstable, which makes the woman more prone to joint strain or injury and may also cause poor posture.

Does the woman gradually lose her waist? and in some cases where exercise was already part of her routine and her body is in good shape, this change may alarm her. However, it is important to remember that weight gain is natural and necessary for the baby's growth.

Hormonal releases increase breast volume and produce milky secretion droplets in preparation for breastfeeding. In addition, the breasts may become more sensitive.

The bladder feels the pressure of the uterus rising and the pregnant woman may need to urinate more often than before. Constipation may also start to bother you.

Blood pressure changes and may become lower in the first months. These changes can sometimes cause dizziness. Anyway, it's a quarter of pure adaptation.

Second quarter

The posture changes as the baby grows and the mother's belly becomes rounder. The shoulders may also become more bent because of the heavier weight of the breasts. Weight gain becomes more noticeable.

In this intermediate stage of pregnancy, the pregnant woman feels more instability in the ligaments and joints around the pelvis. The rectus muscles of the abdomen retract to accommodate the baby's growth. Water retention becomes more common.

The woman usually feels a surge of energy, and it is during this time that the baby's first exciting movements in the belly, or the first "kicks," happen.

Care must be taken not to overdo the activities. A balance between relaxation, exercise and fresh air will maintain the pregnant woman's physical performance, leaving her in great shape.

Third quarter

The baby is already well grown and more comfortably accommodated inside the mother's womb. This may be cozy for him, but the woman may feel a little uncomfortable while experiencing a steady weight gain until the end of pregnancy.

Changes in posture and walking are more pronounced, and this is the most common time to experience lower back pain and discomfort. Hormonal levels keep joints slack, making body alignment and correct posture even more important.

Expansion in the mother's womb can cause pressure against the diaphragm, causing shortness of breath. Learning some breathing patterns (Pilates and Yoga) help alleviate these symptoms.

Many women have reduced concentration and short-term memory seems to worsen at this stage.

The most suitable physical activities for pregnant women

Cláudia Heringer Henriques, physical educator and creator of Heringer Fitness, specialized physical training in women's health, pregnant and postpartum, explains that healthy pregnant women, with medical clearance, should choose physical activities that favor muscle strengthening and, especially, are pleasurable."Pregnancy is already a time of many anxieties, so it is important to practice an exercise that helps relax and relieve tension," he says.

Usually, the woman starts the exercises in the second trimester of pregnancy, when the nausea and drowsiness have passed, explains Claudia. At this stage, it is recommended to strengthen the stabilizing muscles of the trunk to help support and prevent lower back pain. Should the shoulder and back region also be strengthened to support new maternal activities such as breastfeeding, lulling, and carrying the increasing weight of the baby each month?

? We can say that it is best for each woman to continue what she does with the adaptations to her gestational phases. For sedentary women, the recommendation is to start with lighter exercises, preferably accompanied by qualified professionals ?, highlights the physical educator.

Renata adds that the most suitable physical activities are those that ensure the least impact on the joints (water aerobics, swimming, pilates and walking). • In the first trimester no physical activity is recommended because of the risk of miscarriage (up to 12 weeks). After this period look for the activities mentioned that will be prescribed by Physical Education professionals according to the gestational period and individuality of each woman ?, says.

Below you know better the main activities indicated for pregnant women:

1. Water aerobics

Water aerobics for pregnant women is very indicated for its advantages to physical and emotional well-being. In addition to being the safest medium for the fetus. "Aquatic activities provide the development of their exercises in an environment with less impact on the joint structures and skeletal muscles, and provide better control of physiological parameters," says Renata.

The benefits achieved by water aerobics in pregnancy are scientifically proven, and are directed throughout the classes to: postural correction exercises; an optimization of circulatory flow; improvement of respiratory distress; and, through relaxation exercises, allow a better return to the conditions near basal after exercise, and promote a quieter attitude in the gestational period. Still acts as an important helper in the control of body weight ?, adds the teacher.

Just like any other activity, practicing water aerobics requires medical clearance and some care, such as caution with water temperature (which should be below 30 degrees) and attention to movements to avoid back pain or serious injury. It is also essential to follow up a professional in the area.

2. Swimming

Swimming is also a very suitable physical activity for the gestation period. The fact that it is performed in the aquatic environment allows the woman's body to receive several benefits from the properties of water, contributing to the improvement of some common discomforts of the period, such as swelling, lower back pain, among others.

In addition, when exercising in this environment, the pregnant woman will probably have a feeling of greater security, since in the water the risk of falls and severe impacts is very low.

In water, the entire body is worked on without the risk of injury. However, as for any type of physical activity with pregnant women, medical prescription is essential, as well as the monitoring of a professional in the area in performing the exercises.

It is also crucial that pregnancy is occurring within the standards. Thus, swimming can probably be performed until the end of pregnancy.

3. Pilates

Pilates is another activity very indicated for pregnancy, mainly because the exercises focus on the abdominal and pelvic floor muscles, which tend to weaken during pregnancy.

Physical activity combines flexibility, strength, body awareness, relaxation and breathing. The exercises are based on movements done at the same time as the abdomen and pelvic floor muscles contract.

If the woman was already doing Pilates before pregnancy, she can probably continue. But still, it is essential to talk to the obstetrician and warn the teacher that she is pregnant.

For women considering starting this activity during pregnancy, it is generally recommended that it be started only in the second trimester.

It is noteworthy that some positions, such as face down or belly up, are not recommended from mid-gestation. Therefore, it is always essential to have the advice of a professional expert in the method. The best way is to find a Pilates class geared especially for pregnant women, so the instructor will know exactly what to do or not to do.

4. Walk

A great exercise for pregnant women is walking as it helps keep fit without overloading the knees and ankles. In addition, it is a physical activity that does not require large expenses (just adequate clothes and sneakers) and can usually be performed throughout the nine months of pregnancy. But of course, it all depends on the woman's habits and the doctor's directions in each case?

If the pregnant woman was already in the habit of walking before becoming pregnant, the doctor will probably recommend that she continue. However, if she was a sedentary person, she should start slowly, with very light walks and perhaps only in the second semester. The ideal is always to strictly follow the doctor's guidelines.

It is important to always have a small bottle of water in hand to prevent dehydration. And also avoid walking at sunny hours or when it is very hot. The ideal is always to wear light and comfortable clothes.

5. Yoga

Yoga, preferably combined with cardiovascular exercise (such as walking), is a good way to stay fit during pregnancy. Practice helps to make the person more flexible, tone muscles and improve balance and circulation. This all with little or no impact on the joints.

It is also very beneficial during this period because it works with breathing and relaxation techniques (which can be extremely helpful for childbirth and also later in dealing with the demands of motherhood).

Like any other exercise, yoga requires extra care in pregnancy and should be practiced only if the doctor authorizes it. It is very important to attend classes with instructors who have the experience and knowledge to work with pregnant women.

Only the obstetrician will also be able to advise on the best phase to start yoga and until when the pregnancy can be practiced.

But, remember: these are just a few examples of exercises well suited for pregnancy. The important thing is for the woman to choose something she likes, to have professional accompaniment to perform the exercises and, of course, to follow the instructions given by her doctor.

4 exercises that pregnant women can do to keep moving

Claudia points out that some stretching and stabilization exercises can be done at home to keep the pregnant woman active and ready for labor. With the photos below, she exemplifies what can be done:

1. Butterfly Stretching

Sitting on the floor (this could be on a treadmill, for example), gather the soles of your feet (butterfly-shaped) and push your knees to the floor.

2. Turtle Stretching

Keep your legs bent under your body and reach forward with your arms straight.

"The stretching of the back helps to release pressure and relieves tension in the upper and lower vertebral region, helping to open the pelvis," says Claudia.

3. Super Mom Exercise

According to Claudia, this exercise is excellent for strengthening the muscles of the lower back. "And it also works posture-supporting muscles, such as the glutes, deep pelvis and lower abdominals to help stabilize and balance," he says.

The physical educator's tips for performing the exercise are:

  • When lifting the arm and / or leg, do not transfer body weight to the supporting side.
  • Avoid lifting or dropping your hips while maintaining alignment.
  • Try to visualize and feel the lower abdominal muscles surrounding and holding the baby.

4. Hip Elevation Exercise

Lying on the floor with your legs bent, extend your arms close to your body. Lift your hips as high as you can. Then return the hip to the starting position.

The Importance Of Strengthening The Pelvic Muscle

Claudia explains that strengthening the pelvic floor should be a woman's care even before becoming pregnant, during pregnancy and postpartum. This muscle supports all the weight of the uterus, baby and fluid, and its weakness can cause urinary incontinence. The obstetrician can evaluate and teach exercises specific to this region, but the basic movement of contraction is similar to holding the pee ?, says.

Renata points out that exercises to strengthen the pelvic muscles are important throughout pregnancy. "These too can only be prescribed according to each pregnant woman by a physical education professional," he adds.

9 questions and answers about exercises in pregnancy

Below the professionals clarify the main doubts on the subject:

1. Is it dangerous to exercise in pregnancy?

Renata Tarevnic: It is not dangerous as long as the obstetrician releases this pregnant woman and she is guided by a physical education professional.

2. Can a pregnant woman do bodybuilding normally?

Renata Tarevnic: The pregnant woman can do bodybuilding as long as she is individually oriented to her gestational period.

3Can a pregnant woman run or should she only take a lighter walk?

Renata Tarevnic: The ideal would be walking because of the lower joint impact.

4. If you feel pain while exercising, what should the pregnant woman do?

Claudia Heringer Henriques: If you feel any pain, the activity should be stopped and informed to the professional (obstetrician, personal) accompanying it. There are other signs indicating that it is time to stop: vaginal bleeding, headache, chest pain, muscle weakness.

5. Is there an exercise that is best for all pregnant women?

Claudia Heringer Henriques: It is recommended that the pregnant woman do an aerobic physical activity (walking, water aerobics, swimming, dancing) and a resistance activity (bodybuilding, pilates, yoga). Since each woman is unique and each pregnancy is different from each other, physical activity should be chosen to please mother and baby.

6. Can a woman who did not exercise before pregnancy start at this stage?

Claudia Heringer Henriques: Can and should if the pregnancy is quiet. Studies point to several health benefits for mothers (and babies) who practice physical activity during pregnancy. Many women begin to take care and exercise during pregnancy and follow good habits for life.

7. Can a woman keep the same type of exercise throughout her pregnancy?

Claudia Heringer Henriques: With body changes, weight gain, tiredness and some pain, the woman should listen to her body and follow a comfortable pace of physical activity. In the third trimester, women tend to slow down by focusing on the arrival of the approaching baby, with breathing and preparation exercises.

8. What exercises / activities are not recommended?

Claudia Heringer Henriques: Pregnant women should avoid high impact activities and modalities that pose a risk of falling (free cycling, fighting), however each case should be evaluated individually by the physical educator, physical therapist and obstetrician who accompany this woman.

9. How to know if the pregnant woman is exaggerating in exercises

Claudia Heringer Henriques: The body is the thermometer, it will tell you when to slow down or stop physical activity. On a walk, for example, a woman should be able to hold a conversation without gasping for breath.

Finally, remember: What's great for one person may not be so cool for another. There are no rules. The important thing is that the woman, along with her doctor's guidelines, choose one or more activities that please her and that can be practiced during pregnancy, always accompanied by a physical educator.

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