Learn what bulimia is and see how to deal with the problem

With the strengthening of the lean body cult, the eating disorders are appearing at a high frequency and have attracted the attention of healthcare professionals.

At nervous bulimia Excessive food intake in a short period of time is one of the most striking signs, and each time a person loses control, he or she eats about 2,000 to 5,000 calories per episode, always accompanied by the sensation of complete loss of control. with feelings of guilt and shame.

We can say that most of the times these episodes are accompanied by compensatory methods of purging such as self-induced vomiting, use of laxatives or diuretics, enemas, strenuous exercise and prolonged fasting.

Several factors can trigger such a voracious episode, but one that catches our attention is the prolonged fasting periods or too restrictive diet, which causes loss of control, and usually family members do not have the perception of what is happening.

Listed below are some behaviors that lead to detect bulimia:

  • Depressive mood;
  • Excessive concern with weight and body;
  • Overeating when you feel distressed;
  • Restrictive diet followed by binge eating episodes;
  • Have compulsions with caloric foods and sweets;
  • Feel and express guilt or shame for your compulsion;
  • Use of laxatives and vomiting for weight control;
  • After meals, use the bathroom for your secret vomiting;
  • Keep these vomiting and compulsions secret;
  • Plan the compulsions and opportunities for fulfillment;
  • Feeling of loss of control and disappearance after the meal.

The cycle of eating and trying to compensate for self-induced vomiting, laxatives, diuretics, or strenuous exercise becomes a routine that does not yield interesting results, making people using these resources feel frustrated. , humiliated and, as a result, restart the whole cycle again.

THE bulimia It is characterized both by overeating and restriction periods (the famous prolonged fasting), the latter being a trigger and maintainer of voracious episodes, and can often be foods high in fat and carbohydrates.

Another important aspect is the voracity that presents in their interpersonal relationships, the need they feel to get affection, attention, affection. However, at other times, they prefer distancing, which shows the same dynamics of eat and vomit.

It is important to clarify that this disease can also lead to death. Even if the percentage is low, several situations are involved in this process, such as suicide, pneumonia combined with heart problems, hypertensive reaction due to drug intake and body weight.

But the change in eating habits is present in bulimia and one of the most visible signs are frequent trips to the bathroom. Parents need to be aware of their children's eating habits and post-meal behavior.

After suspecting that your daughter may have this disease, the resource is to seek specialized professionals for care. It is always important to take care of these situations, as many parents do not believe that their children may be sick or even ignore the signs in an attempt not to face the situation.

A team of specialized professionals can assist in this process, such as the psychologist who will work with the patient along with the body image, and the triggers that led her to use bulimia as a weight loss resource; the psychiatrist who will medicate according to the history and complaints presented; The dietitian who will prescribe a balanced and appropriate diet for each case.

My Eating Disorder. (April 2024)

  • Teens, Eating, Diets, Losing Weight
  • 1,230