Money is also a child thing

When it comes to money, do you ask the children to leave the room? If so, it's time to review your concepts. Financial education is essential for the personal development of the little ones. And, the subject, approached in some schools, should begin to form part of home conversations as well.

The educator Amanda Castanheira shows some ways to teach your child how to handle money and especially how to face financial problems.


At school, mathematical notions begin to be passed around the age of six and this is one of the best times to start learning. At home the piggy bank can help. "It teaches the child to save money for a firm purpose and to exercise financial moderation," says Amanda.

Another tool widely used by parents is the allowance. The attitude gives the child freedom to decide on her own how to use the amount and to manage the earned value. The ideal age for starting an allowance is from the age of eight, because little ones already know how to do mental calculations and understand mathematical operations.

"These skills allow the proper use of money," says the psychologist. The amount will vary according to the family budget and should only be offered if parents can afford it. No squeezing, right?

Stranger Things Kids Are Richer Than You Think (April 2024)

  • Children and adolescents
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