Perfect women

A successful executive suffers a nervous breakdown. To rest, her husband moves with the whole family to a country town. There she begins to notice a strange coincidence: all the local wives obey with great dedication to their husbands, looking happy with the situation. All are the same and have the same tastes and habits.

Those who watched the movie know the anguish that Nicole Kidman's character has gone through. The movie is not new and neither is this dilemma. A woman with modern ambitions squeezed between market pressure and the pressure of her family role.

Sometimes I get the feeling that people just feel fulfilled in extremes: either a beautiful housewife or an excellent market woman. Have you ever stopped to think that the beauty of gray is in the combination of black and white elements? For our beauty can be precisely in the combination of our roles. And if the black of the corporate world can cause great stress, the white of home life can cause us frustration.

One of the most striking scenes in the movie was when the independent executive offered her husband to become one of the perfect women living in the city. That would require going through a laboratory and becoming something she was not, and for the love of her husband, she would be willing to do so. This scene alone is worth the movie. For love, the wife chooses to be what her husband envisioned her to be. And they both go down to the lab to begin the transformation.

Strange thing is stereotypes, they exist, but they don't please anyone. Stereotype is an external thing that causes anguish, sensation of dislocation and absence of belonging. Unlike the vocation that comes from within the soul and brings us fulfillment and sense of fulfillment. I believe the perfect woman is one who cares more about her vocation and less about fitting into existing stereotypes.

Returning to the movie, her husband was very fond of what he saw in the new city, domesticated, uniformed women, always in the service of their husbands. In the early days the idea of ​​having such a wife seemed to bolster her self-esteem and create an ideal life. There was only one problem: To win such a wife, he would have to lose his true wife, the one who drew him to life for two and somehow made him happy until that moment.

Faced with the dilemma between the perfect housewife and the successful executive stereotype, he gives up both and simply chooses to have his wife, with all the qualities and flaws. I believe this was really a happy ending.

Creating the PERFECT WOMAN! (full body) (May 2024)

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