Vitamin E: Powerful Antioxidant and Beauty's Great Ally

To talk about the importance of vitamin E in particular and its functions in the human body, it is interesting to know more about vitamins in general.

Patricia Ceolin Grassi, a professor at the School of Nutrition and Medicine at Unic, a specialist in obesity and weight loss and a master in metabolism, comments that the word? Vitamin? was attributed by biochemist Cassimir Funk in 1912, based on the Latin words: vita and the suffix amine. "These are essential organic molecules in our body and are classified according to their solubility: water-soluble vitamins (C and Complex B) and fat-soluble vitamins (A, D, E and K)," he says.

Vitamin E, emphasizes Patricia, also known as tocopherol, as well as other vitamins, is not produced by the human body, so the need to be eaten food sources of this substance or supplements thereof.

Michelle Thiemi Miwa, nutritionist and professor of the undergraduate Nutrition course at Anhanguera College of Sorocaba, points out that vitamin E is a fat soluble vitamin, ie its solubility occurs through lipids. "Therefore, to be absorbed, it is necessary fat, which we also eat through the diet," he explains.

5 Vitamin E Health Benefits

Michelle points out that vitamin E is a biological antioxidant responsible for the integrity of cell membranes. Thus, it is responsible for maintaining a variety of organic functions, especially in developing tissues and organs.

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Briefly, they can be highlighted as main benefits of vitamin E:

1. Antioxidant power and body defense

Patricia points out that this vitamin plays a key role in protecting the body against the harmful effects of free radicals (metabolically formed or found in the environment). Thus, with adequate levels of this vitamin in the body, various diseases can be inhibited and the substance works to prevent cell aging.

2. More beauty to the skin

Patricia explains that vitamin E helps in the process of collagen formation in the body and, therefore, can favor the firmness of the skin. It can also aid in healing and moisturizing, making the skin softer and more beautiful, and protect against ultraviolet radiation (thus preventing both skin cancer and premature aging).

3. Protection for the heart

Studies have suggested that vitamin E may improve heart function and reduce the risk of coronary heart disease due to its antioxidant action.

This vitamin prevents the oxidation of LDL (bad cholesterol), which could accelerate the formation of arterial plaques responsible for arteriosclerosis, and works as an anticoagulant, preventing the formation of clots in the arteries (which could cause thrombosis and heart attacks).

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4. Prostate Cancer Prevention

Some research suggests that vitamin E may help prevent the growth of testosterone-dependent tumors, such as prostate cancer. But more studies still need to be done to prove this benefit.

5. Eye Protection

Adequate vitamin E levels also help to prevent vision problems with age (macular degeneration).

Remember that, like other vitamins that are not produced by the body, vitamin E must be ingested through a healthy and balanced diet.

Foods That Are Sources of Vitamin E

Michelle points out that the main sources of vitamin E are vegetable oils, wheat germ, corn, soybeans, sunflower seeds, egg yolk and liver. "Other sources of vitamin E are vegetables, nuts, almonds, Brazil nuts and some fruits, such as papaya and avocado," he says.

The nutritionist also explains that adults need approximately 15mg of vitamin E per day. "To meet the daily need, the adequate consumption of the portions of each group is enough, as recommended by the food pyramid that includes all food groups necessary for the good maintenance of health," he says.

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Patricia points out that almonds and sunflower seeds are some of the best sources of this vitamin. She highlights other sources:

As you can see, there is no shortage of foods that are good sources of vitamin E, so it is not difficult to ingest the proper amount of this vitamin daily, just have a balanced diet.

Vitamin E deficiency

Patricia explains that in adults, the deficiency of this vitamin is rare. But they can occur for secondary problems such as intestinal malabsorption syndrome; and the symptoms involve cholesterol metabolism ?, he says.

Examples of inherited or acquired diseases that may impair the absorption capacity of vitamin E include cystic fibrosis, short bowel syndrome, and bile duct obstruction.

Some symptoms that may be associated with deficiency of this vitamin in the body are:

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  • Immune system disorders;
  • Difficulty walking;
  • Numbness;
  • Muscle weakness;
  • Vision problems;
  • Tremors;
  • Male infertility.

However, only a healthcare professional will be able to analyze the symptoms and also through tests to see if this is really the case. If vitamin E deficiency is proven, supplementation is likely to be indicated by your doctor. And in this case, the dosage indicated by the professional in question must be fully respected, so that there is no harm to health.

Excess Vitamin E Consumption

Patricia explains that, being a fat-soluble vitamin (fat-soluble), and its absorption happens in the small intestine through the action of bile salts and transported by the lymphatic system to different parts of the body, vitamin E can accumulate in the body. and reach toxic levels. "It is stored in adipose tissue and reproductive organs, so the importance of individuals being careful not to consume levels above daily needs?" say.

"The professional nutritionist works on international guidelines and respects the amount required daily, and adhere to the needs of each gender and physiological state (pregnant women, children, infants), always observing the individuality of each patient," adds the expert.

Michelle points out that excessive consumption of vitamin E in the body seems to increase the anticoagulant effect of blood. However, it is noteworthy that hypervitaminosis is rare, especially if the main source is by diet. But, even though it is a difficult fact, hypervitaminosis can occur due to maladministration or incorrect prescription of vitamin supplements ?, concludes the nutritionist.

Again, maintaining a healthy diet, preferably directed by a nutritionist, is the best way to ensure adequate levels of this and other vitamins necessary for good health.

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