Why do men get fat after marriage?

The image of the married man sitting on the couch at home and leaning his beer can on a protruding belly is not just a fictional representation. In fact, this image was built on the observations of men at two different stages of life: when they are single and after they are married. These constant observations motivated some scientific studies, which were carried out in Brazil, England and the United States, and proved what was already suspected: marriage, in fact, is fattening.

What the studies say

According to research in England, the reasons why not only men, but also women, get fat after marriage is the fact that both want to please each other with tasty foods and dishes, which they normally did not. part of the menu before the "yes".

In the United States, in turn, research has identified differences in weight gain between men and women. As female metabolism is slower, apparently they get fatter than their partners after marriage, which makes American men comfortable to protest the female accusations that they are the belly-winners.

In Brazil, the research was limited to confirming weight gain as a consequence of marriage. Interviewing more than 3,500 people, the researchers found that about 91% of couples reported being fatter after changing rings.

Why does man gain weight after marriage?

There are several reasons, pointed out by experts and also by husbands and wives, for couples? mostly men? become heavier after they get married. Below is a fun, uncompromising list of some of these possible reasons (or rather excuses).

Once married, the man no longer has the need to get the attention of women and so it ends up relaxing with regard to his body. This is one of the hypotheses defended by the experts, in fact, who believe that the fall in the need to attract a woman also causes the fall in self-esteem, which makes the man even more sloppy.

As after marriage the outlets for playing ball and other activities of the kind decrease, he becomes considerably more sedentary and is more attracted to the couch.

At this stage, it is common for men to invite friends to come home and play soccer in the video game, rather than going out to play soccer on the lawn, in fact.

Now taking care of the couple's finances, work, and chores at home and with their children, both men and women find it difficult to devote time to regular physical activity, which increases the chance of weight gain.

The frequency with which dinners are made for friends at home, as well as the frequency of dinners and lunches in restaurants and cafeterias, can contribute to the sometimes excessive and heavy eating, which would, over time, the couple gained weight.

Why Are Married People Fatter Than Single People? (April 2024)

  • Marriage, Relationships
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