Workspace organization and professional image

It is common to find cluttered work desks with unimportant old papers, objects that are not appropriate for the professional environment, and even rubbish. But having the desk messy can signal to the viewer that the person does not know how to organize to work effectively and leaves traces and pending issues, which can drive away promotions or customers.

Research at the University of Texas in the USA has shown that coworkers perceive the disorganized as inefficient and unimaginative. Another study by an American office supply company, OfficeMax, found in a survey that 75% of workers believe that the disorder impairs their mood, motivation levels and productivity at work.

To avoid the bad image about professional competence and the disorder bring bad feelings that undermine your routine, you need to get into the habit of organizing the office or home office every day at the end of activities.

Those who have a lot of disorganized things in the workplace and believe that end-of-the-day housekeeping can't solve the case should devote a day to getting everything in order, and then just keeping the organization up daily. Check out some tips that will help you improve the organization of the space you use to work:

How to organize the accumulated work mess

  • Provide file folders, labels and trash bags;
  • Review documents looking for: whether they need to be kept by law, need someone's attention, the content is recent enough to be relevant, or the information exists elsewhere or in a format;
  • Categorize according to subjects and order of importance, separating them into folders and naming them with tags;
  • Create specific places for folders and save them properly;
  • Do the same procedure as documents printed on your computer's documents in your mailbox;
  • Throw away all unnecessary trash and documents and make good sense in choosing which decorative objects will remain on the table.

How to keep your desk organized in everyday life

  • Set aside a desk space for each activity and arrange in each section the objects you use for each function. At this point you might think of a space for an object of sentimental value that doesn't disrupt your professional image;
  • Put in your desk drawers only the items you use all the time and do not use them as stock for office items;
  • Leave on the table what is currently in use;
  • When you are done working remember to keep things in their proper place. Objects are not reminders of activities that need to be completed the next day, so use a calendar and write down your activities.

"As with clothes, we send messages by organizing the desk and objects that are on it," says Renata Mello, professional behavior consultant.

Like paper overs, having too many flowers, toys, or ballad photos on the desk can convey an image that the professional doesn't take the job seriously and may not be able to finish tasks. But having an empty table does not make a good impression either, it gives the impression that the professional is cold and methodical or does not intend to stay in the company for a long time. Maintaining balance is critical.


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