7 factors that influence your weight

One of the most common complaints among women concerns accelerated and exaggerated weight gain. Dissatisfaction with weight is generally one of the factors that most affects female self-esteem.

Many believe that eating habits are solely responsible for weight gain, but according to medical endocrinologist Dr. Daniele Tokars Zaninelli, several factors contribute to the extra pounds on the scale.

In addition to eating habits, other determining factors such as genetic factors, endocrine and hormonal dysfunctions, physical activity level, medication use, stress and low water consumption may also lead to weight gain.

Here are seven items that may be influencing your weight on the scale, and how to prevent excessive and accelerated weight gain.

1. Eating habits

According to Daniele Zaninelli, weight gain occurs when ingested foods provide more calories than the amount of calories spent in daily life through internal metabolism and physical activity.

The endocrinologist gives the following example: Consumption of about 7,500Kcal above metabolic needs leads to 1kg weight gain. If an individual consumes an excess of 300Kcal / day, after 25 days will have gained about 1Kg. In one year the increase could reach 12.

2. Genetic Factors

Daniele states that "genetic factors can influence each individual's metabolic expenditure." According to her, genetic diseases as a cause of obesity are rare, but due to diabetes, cardiac arrhythmia and high blood pressure may have an influence on weight gain.

3. Endocrine and hormonal disorders

According to Daniele, hormonal and endocrine dysfunctions can affect the outcome of the balance. PMS, menopause, thyroid problems and sudden hormonal changes can lead to fluid retention and consequently an increase in weight.

Still according to the endocrinologist - untreated hypothyroidism can lead to a slight weight gain, as it leads to a reduction in metabolic expenditure. Also, it can lead to fluid retention. Weight gain due to hypothyroidism is usually between 2 and 3kg, which is eliminated when proper treatment is started.

4. Sedentary lifestyle

In recent years, the facilities of modern life have led to a significant decrease in caloric expenditure. Remote control, car use even for short distances and the practicalities of the mobile phone make people move less. For this reason, exercise is extremely important in weight control: "It increases metabolic expenditure by increasing lean mass, and still has important effects in controlling hunger and anxiety," advises the endocrinologist.

5. Stress

High levels of stress can also affect weight gain. Stress keeps your body alert and prepared for unforeseen events. For its own protection, the body accumulates the available resources, including the food consumed.

6. Lack of water

Drinking the right amount of water makes your body more efficient and your metabolism faster. In addition water helps in eliminating toxins from your body. Failure to drink water will cause your body to retain fluids to prevent dehydration. Experts recommend consuming at least two liters of water daily. One tip is always to carry a small bottle of water wherever you are.

7. Medicines

Various types of medications can affect metabolism. According to Daniele, some antidepressants and antipsychotics, in addition to corticosteroids, may induce weight gain during use. In addition, some medications for high blood pressure, diabetes, asthma and heart medicines can also affect the user's weight. Consult the package leaflet for any adverse reactions and talk to the doctor who gave you the medicine.

Learn how to avoid over-accelerated weight gain

According to Daniele, “To avoid weight gain we must maintain a balance between the amount of calories eaten and the energy expenditure. Whenever there is a predominance of gain over expenditure there will be weight gain in varying proportions.

In preventing weight gain, more important than banning the consumption of certain foods is to establish a healthy eating routine associated with regular physical activity.

Check out some important recommendations given by endocrinologist Daniele Zaninelli to prevent weight gain:

  • Keep at least four meals a day;
  • Eat a variety of foods including legumes and leafy vegetables, and include about 4 servings of fruits a day.Prefer foods with lower caloric density, ie those with fewer calories in larger quantities;
  • Avoid the use of sugar and soft drinks, also controlling salt consumption;
  • Consume milk and dairy products (low fat) 3 times a day to ensure calcium intake, essential for bone health;
  • Maintain an adequate level of physical activity. A minimum of 150 minutes per week is recommended, which can be divided into 30 minutes five days a week.

Whenever there are changes in weight it is important to try to identify which factors are contributing to this in order to get better treatment results.

How Does Exercise Impact Weight Loss? (April 2024)

  • Diet, Weight Loss
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